emzed.io module

This module contains multple functions for readin and writing tables and peakmaps in different formats.

If emzed-gui is installed all functions will open file dialogs as fall-back when the caller does not specify file paths.

emzed.io.load_csv(path=None, *, delimiter=';', dash_is_none=True)[source]

Load CSV file.

  • path – Path to the file to load. If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up and ask for the file.

  • delimiter – CSV field delimiter

  • dash_is_none – If set to True the value - will be interpreted as None (missing value).



emzed.io.load_csvs(pattern=None, *, delimiter=';', dash_is_none=True)[source]

Load multiple CSV files.

  • pattern – Globbing pattern (same format as used by glob.glob()). If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up and ask for the files. Can also be a folder in case emzed-gui is installed.

  • delimiter – CSV field seperator.

  • dash_is_none – If set to True the value - will be interpreted as None (missing value).


list of emzed.Table instances


Load Excel file.


path – Path to the file to load. If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up and ask for the file.




Load multiple excel files.


pattern – Globbing pattern (same format as used by glob.glob()). If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up and ask for the files. Can also be a folder in case emzed-gui is installed.


list of emzed.Table instances


Load peak-map.


path – Path to the file to load. if not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up and ask for the file.




Load multiple peak maps.


pattern – Globbing pattern (same as used for glob.glob()). If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up and ask for the files. Can also be a folder in case emzed-gui is installed.


list of emzed.PeakMap instances


Load table in emzed format.


path – Path to the file to load. if not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up and ask for the file.




Load multiple tables in emzed format.


pattern – Globbing pattern (same format as used by glob.glob()). If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up and ask for the files. Can also be a folder in case emzed-gui is installed.


list of emzed.Table instances

emzed.io.save_csv(table, path=None, *, delimiter=';', as_printed=True, overwrite=False)[source]

Save table in csv format.

  • table – Instance of emzed.Table.

  • path – Target file location. If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up asking for the destination.

  • delimiter – CSV format field separator.

  • as_printed – Uses specified table formats if set to True else all cells (also the invisible cells with format set to None) will be saved in standard string representation.

  • overwrite – Enforce overwriting if file already exists.

emzed.io.save_excel(table, path=None, *, overwrite=False)[source]

Save table in excel format.

  • table – Instance of emzed.Table.

  • path – Target file location. If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up asking for the destination.

  • overwrite – Enforce overwriting if file already exists.

emzed.io.save_peak_map(peakmap, path=None, *, overwrite=False)[source]

Save peak map.

  • peakmap – Instance of emzed.PeakMap.

  • path – Target file location. If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up asking for the destination.

  • overwrite – Enforce overwriting if file already exists.

emzed.io.save_table(table, path=None, *, overwrite=False)[source]

Save table in emzed format.

  • table – Instance of emzed.Table.

  • path – Target file location. If not specified and if emzed-gui is installed a user dialog will pop up asking for the destination.

  • overwrite – Enforce overwriting if file already exists.