emzed.align.rt_align module¶
- emzed.align.rt_align.rt_align(tables, reference_table=None, destination=None, reset_integration=False, n_peaks=-1, max_rt_difference=100, max_mz_difference=0.3, max_mz_difference_pair_finder=0.5, model='b_spline', **model_parameters)[source]¶
aligns feature tables in respect to retention times. the algorithm returns new tables with aligned data.
- Parameters:
reference_table – extra reference table, if None the table with most features among tables is taken.
destination – target folder for quality plots. If this value is None no plots will be created.
reset_integration – sets integration related column names to None if present. Else the alignment will fail for already integrated tables.
n_peaks – max number of peaks matched by superimposer, -1 means: all peaks, can be float between 0 and 1 to refer to fraction of peaks in reference table.
max_rt_difference – max allowed difference in rt values for searching matching features.
max_mz_difference – max allowed difference in mz values for super imposer.
max_mz_difference_pair_finder – max allowed difference in mz values for pair finding.
model – can be “b_spline” or “lowess”
model_parameters –
key word parameters depending on provided value for ‘model’. For ‘b_spline’ the user can set
- num_nodes: number of break points of fitted spline.
default:5, more points result in splines with higher variation.
For ‘lowess’ the parameters are:
- span: value between 0 and 1, larger values lead to more smoothing.
default is 2/3.
interpolation_type: either “cspline” or “linear”
- Returns:
aligned peak tables.