emzed.r_connect.r_executor module¶
- class emzed.r_connect.r_executor.RInterpreter(r_exe=None, do_log=False, required_version='', **kw)[source]¶
This class is the bridge to R. It creates a connection to a R process, it allows code execution and passes data to and from this process. For convinience R data.frame objects are converted to and from emzed Table objects.
>>> ip = emzed.r.RInterpreter() >>> ip.execute("a <- 3") >>> print ip.a 3 >>> ip.execute("tab <- data.frame(a=c(1, 2), b=c(2.1, 3))") >>> print ip.tab <emzed.core.data_types.table.Table object at 0x.......> >>> print ip.tab a b int float ------ ------ 1 2.100000 2 3.000000 >>> print ip.get_raw("x") # returns pandas DataFrame a b 1 1 2.1 2 2 3.0
- execute(*cmds, **kw)[source]¶
executes commands. Each command may be a multiline command.
is used for easier string interpolation, egrip.execute(“x <- %(name)r”, name=”emzed”)
instead of
rip.execute(“x <- %(name)r” % dict(name=”emzed”))
- execute_file(path)[source]¶
execute r scripts described by path
if path is only a file name the directory of the calling functions __file__ is used for looking up the r script. use “./abc.r” notation if you want to get script from the current working directory.