# Setup
import emzed
import os

# path to files
data_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tutorial_data")
path_sample_caulobacter = os.path.join(
    data_folder, "AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML"
path_sample_arabidopsis = os.path.join(
    data_folder, "AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML"
path_caulo_final = os.path.join(data_folder, "t_adap_final.table")
path_caulo_annotated = os.path.join(
    data_folder, "t_adap_annotated.table"
ref_path = os.path.join(data_folder, "mz_calibration_table.csv")
# peakmaps and tables
peakmap_arabidopsis = emzed.io.load_peak_map(path_sample_arabidopsis)
peakmap_caulobacter = emzed.io.load_peak_map(path_sample_caulobacter)
adap = emzed.io.load_table(path_caulo_final)
ta_caulo_annotated = emzed.io.load_table(path_caulo_annotated)
t_ref = emzed.io.load_csv(ref_path)
start remote ip in /root/.emzed3/pyopenms_venv
pyopenms client started.
connected to pyopenms client.
pyopenms: No source file annotated.

5 Untargeted sample analysis

untargeted workflow


emzed3 heavily features untargeted analysis. To do so emzed3 provides tools from OpenMS and MZmine2. Whereas open ms features are integrated in the emzed3 core mzmine2 is an extension that has to be installed first. To get familiar with those tools we will exercise the basic workflow depicted above which comprises the core peak processing steps detection, alignment, and grouping. Moreover, we will perform some basic sample comparison applying data base matching with emzed integrated pubchem library.

Installing the MZmine2 extension

As already mentioned above MzMine2 is an emzed extenion, and must be installed first. Open your IPython console and run the command:


After installing, close the current console and open a new one to update the installation.

Next, type the command:


Again, close the current console and start a new session. After opening the new console MZmine2 features will be available in the emzed name space



mzmine2 = emzed.ext.mzmine2

A detailed user manual with all features can be find here. Note that currently, only feature detection related tools are implemented in emzed3.

Feature detection

Let’s start with a more general look at LC-MS data structure. LC-MS level 1 data acquisition can be regarded as a 2 dimensional separation procedure. In the first dimension, LC separates compounds by physico-chemical interactions over time (retention time). In the second dimension, compound ions are separated by their mass to charge ratios m/z whereby the continuous LC output is scanned with an MS instrument specific frequency. Hence, we can define LC-MS peaks as sequences of spectra with m/z specific intensity series of with shapes typical for applied LC separation. Accordingly, we can subdivide the task of peak detection algorithm into two principal steps:

  1. EIC detection: Search the peak map for all series of consecutive m/z peaks with the same m/z values (EIC).

  2. Peak detection: Find all chromatographic (LC) peaks within each EIC.

  • To find an EIC we have to define the the meaning of m/z peaks (signal), what means a series of consecutive m/z peaks, and what means m/z peaks with same value. To define a signal we have to distinguish between signal (S) and noise (N). Remember, it is commonn practice to the define presence of a signal by a \(S/N >=3\) and a quantifiable signal by \(S/N >=10\). The number of (consecutive) m/z peaks or the time range considered to define a m/z trace directly depends of the applied LC-method and on the scan speed of the instrument. Whereas HPLC columns produce peaks with peak widths in the range of 20-30s, UPLC peaks are up to 10x narrower. Independent on the applied column type, compound peaks of interest can strongly differ from the typical shape and hence the range must be chosen with care. Finally, the variation of measured m/z values depends on the mass resolution \(R = mz/\Delta mz\) (measured at full width half maximum, FWHM) and is not only instrument dependent but also depends on the m/z itself for most common MS instruments (TOF, Orbitrap). The width of a m/z peak can be easily seen when data were acquired in the profile mode. However, most algorithms work with centroided data, where each spectral peak is represented by its centroided value. In that case the R value of the peak or the spectrum is required. A more practical approach is to determine the observed m/z width (max(m/z) - min(m/z)) directly from the raw data: mz_peak Figure 3: Measuring m/z width with PeakMap explorer using the plot of the summed spectra. For the given EIC, the m/z difference of the minimal and maximal measured m/z value is dmz = 0.000946.

    Figure 3 shows a typical Orbitrap m/z trace. In this example the absolute trace width is around 1 mmU and the relative about 4 ppm (m/z = 238.154). If the algorithm requires relative values the acquisition m/z range is crucial to provide reasonable values (1 mmu at m/z 75.0 corresponds to ~13 ppm).

  • Once EICs are available, LC-peaks can be defined. Similar to mass trace detection, the values start, apex and end of LC peaks must be determined. Since those parameters are much more algorithm dependent, we will discuss peak detection in more details directly with provided peak detectors.

We will introduce untargeted feature detection using LC-MS data acquired with an Orbitrap MS instrument and hence, some aspects will be instrument specific.


emzed3 provides openMS run_feature_finder_metabo for feature detection. To explore the command type:


run_feature_finder_metabo has a high number of function arguments and adaptation to the applied LC-MS method is not trivial. If we have a closer look at the dectection parameter names, we can assign those parameters to the different processing steps by their prefixes: - common: common parameters - mtd: mass trace detection - epdet: elution peak detection - ffm: feature finding metabo

The last process is only executed if run_feature_grouper = True and provides isotopologue peak grouping.

Note, it’s much more convenient and less error prone to use key word arguments `kwargs <https://realpython.com/python-kwargs-and-args/>`__ for parameter settings. For the given data set we provide a dictionary with optimized parameters:

kwargs = dict(

We can now process both samples:

t_ara = emzed.run_feature_finder_metabo(
    peakmap_arabidopsis, verbose=False, **kwargs
t_caulo = emzed.run_feature_finder_metabo(
    peakmap_caulobacter, verbose=False, **kwargs

Note, verbose == False omits data processing output. Let’s have a look at the Caulobacter resulting table:

id name type format nones len min max distinct values
int str str str int int float float int
0 id int %d 0 1042 0.000000 1041.000000 1042
1 feature_id int %d 0 1042 0.000000 778.000000 779
2 feature_size int %d 0 1042 1.000000 4.000000 4
3 mz MzType %11.6f 0 1042 85.075765 599.389233 1042
4 mzmin MzType %11.6f 0 1042 85.075607 599.388428 1037
5 mzmax MzType %11.6f 0 1042 85.075829 599.390381 1039
6 rt RtType rt_formatter 0 1042 28.472400 401.853800 265
7 rtmin RtType rt_formatter 0 1042 26.869800 397.279000 290
8 rtmax RtType rt_formatter 0 1042 30.920500 599.716100 315
9 intensity float %.2e 0 1042 38101.944970 1174356996.343237 1042
10 quality float %.2e 0 1042 0.000011 0.295786 779
11 fwhm RtType rt_formatter 0 1042 1.715400 6.514842 779
12 z int %d 0 1042 0.000000 3.000000 4
13 peakmap PeakMap None 0 1042 - - 1
14 source str %s 0 1042 - - 1

With given parameters we detected 1149 peaks represented by 1149 different id values. Those peaks correspond to 863 isotopologue features grouped by feature_id. Note, ``id`` and ``feature_id`` are sample specific! Let’s print the 10 most intense peaks of the feature table:

t_caulo.sort_by("intensity", ascending=False)[:10]
id feature_id feature_size mz mzmin mzmax rt rtmin rtmax intensity quality fwhm z source
int int int MzType MzType MzType RtType RtType RtType float float RtType int str
1 0 4  245.149248  245.148941  245.149796   1.53 m   1.41 m   2.15 m 1.17e+09 2.96e-01   0.09 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML
4 1 3  238.154740  238.154495  238.155441   0.88 m   0.84 m   1.51 m 6.88e+08 1.74e-01   0.06 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML
2 0 4  246.152416  246.152115  246.153122   1.53 m   1.42 m   2.16 m 1.43e+08 2.96e-01   0.09 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML
7 2 3  153.101914  153.101608  153.102173   1.00 m   0.95 m   1.20 m 1.13e+08 2.78e-02   0.04 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML
10 3 3  182.164898  182.164536  182.165176   2.36 m   2.26 m   4.17 m 1.08e+08 2.67e-02   0.10 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML
13 4 3  171.112591  171.112335  171.112778   1.25 m   1.20 m   1.42 m 9.37e+07 2.30e-02   0.05 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML
5 1 3  239.157875  239.157730  239.158966   0.88 m   0.84 m   1.50 m 9.03e+07 1.74e-01   0.06 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML
16 5 2  160.180614  160.180328  160.180893   6.23 m   6.18 m  10.00 m 8.23e+07 2.01e-02   0.06 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML
18 6 2  102.127362  102.127266  102.127548   0.93 m   0.90 m   1.39 m 6.95e+07 1.68e-02   0.04 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML
20 7 2  139.122672  139.122513  139.122894   0.95 m   0.91 m   1.44 m 4.51e+07 1.10e-02   0.05 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML

All columns required for peak visualization and integration are provided (mzmin, mzmax, rtmin, rtmax, peakmap). The charge state of a feature is shown in column z. In case z equals 0, isotopoloque grouping is missing and no charge state could be assigned. Moreover, column intensity does not refer to the individual peak intensity but is the same for all peaks of the same feature configured by the paramter ffm_report_sum_ints ('true': sum of all peak intensity, 'false': intensity of monoisotopopic peak).

Next, we compare the most intense feature of the Arabidopsis sample with the corresponding one in the Caulobacter sample:

t_comp = t_ara.left_join(
    t_ara.mz.approx_equal(t_caulo.mz, 0.003, 0)
    & t_ara.rt.approx_equal(t_caulo.rt, 20.0, 0),

In this example we used the ``left_join`` Table method since all rows of the reference table (the left table) are kept in the result table and missing values in the right Table are set to None. We compare peaks m/z and RT values using the Column method approx_equal(other, atol, rtol)) with - other: column of other (right) Table - atol: absolute allowed tolerance - rtol: allowed tolerance relative to value in left Table

id name type format nones len min max distinct values
int str str str int int float float int
0 id int %d 0 410 0.000000 407.000000 408
1 feature_id int %d 0 410 0.000000 318.000000 319
2 feature_size int %d 0 410 1.000000 4.000000 4
3 mz MzType %11.6f 0 410 102.054852 960.576274 408
4 mzmin MzType %11.6f 0 410 102.054733 960.573914 405
5 mzmax MzType %11.6f 0 410 102.054993 960.578186 405
6 rt RtType rt_formatter 0 410 26.818200 393.331500 170
7 rtmin RtType rt_formatter 0 410 25.168600 389.327900 192
8 rtmax RtType rt_formatter 0 410 31.236300 397.905100 217
9 intensity float %.2e 0 410 42038.464802 44851637.202265 408
10 quality float %.2e 0 410 0.000060 0.067584 319
11 fwhm RtType rt_formatter 0 410 1.482326 6.230299 319
12 z int %d 0 410 0.000000 1.000000 2
13 peakmap PeakMap None 0 410 - - 1
14 source str %s 0 410 - - 1
15 id__0 int %d 384 410 65.000000 971.000000 24
16 feature_id__0 int %d 384 410 26.000000 708.000000 24
17 feature_size__0 int %d 384 410 1.000000 3.000000 3
18 mz__0 MzType %11.6f 384 410 104.070310 406.243648 24
19 mzmin__0 MzType %11.6f 384 410 104.070198 406.242706 24
20 mzmax__0 MzType %11.6f 384 410 104.070457 406.244476 24
21 rt__0 RtType rt_formatter 384 410 36.803200 315.126200 20
22 rtmin__0 RtType rt_formatter 384 410 33.335500 313.410600 22
23 rtmax__0 RtType rt_formatter 384 410 39.315900 342.005800 23
24 intensity__0 float %.2e 384 410 170555.439210 14589258.617420 24
25 quality__0 float %.2e 384 410 0.000040 0.003667 24
26 fwhm__0 RtType rt_formatter 384 410 1.923615 6.021642 24
27 z__0 int %d 384 410 0.000000 1.000000 2
28 peakmap__0 PeakMap None 384 410 - - 1
29 source__0 str %s 384 410 - - 1

The Table summary of columns id and id__0 shows that only 25 peaks of Caulobacter had a match with an Arabidopsis sample peak. Moreover, the distinct values of id is 451 whereas table length is 454 showing that 3 ambiguous matches occured. This is not very surprising since we set RT tolerance to 20 s. Finally we will check, how many of 10 most intend features have a match in Caulobacter sample:

id feature_id feature_size mz mzmin mzmax rt rtmin rtmax intensity quality fwhm z source id__0 feature_id__0 feature_size__0 mz__0 mzmin__0 mzmax__0 rt__0 rtmin__0 rtmax__0 intensity__0 quality__0 fwhm__0 z__0 source__0
int int int MzType MzType MzType RtType RtType RtType float float RtType int str int int int MzType MzType MzType RtType RtType RtType float float RtType int str
407 318 1  638.245705  638.245239  638.246704   0.75 m   0.73 m   0.77 m 4.20e+04 5.97e-05   0.03 m 0 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
406 317 1  271.176873  271.176117  271.177032   0.82 m   0.80 m   0.83 m 4.30e+04 6.11e-05   0.04 m 0 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
405 316 1  387.126863  387.126526  387.127106   1.20 m   1.18 m   1.23 m 4.63e+04 6.57e-05   0.04 m 0 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
149 87 2  148.079803  148.079605  148.079926   5.43 m   5.38 m   5.49 m 5.48e+04 1.71e-03   0.06 m 1 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
404 315 1  779.201745  779.201355  779.202515   4.04 m   3.98 m   4.07 m 5.68e+04 8.06e-05   0.05 m 0 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
403 314 1  757.558652  757.556519  757.560486   0.80 m   0.76 m   1.09 m 5.95e+04 8.44e-05   0.04 m 0 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
402 313 1  750.508721  750.507080  750.510620   0.61 m   0.60 m   0.64 m 6.23e+04 8.84e-05   0.04 m 0 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
401 312 1  522.203429  522.203064  522.203857   5.95 m   5.93 m   5.98 m 6.28e+04 8.91e-05   0.03 m 0 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
120 68 3  597.172992  597.171814  597.178040   1.66 m   1.62 m   1.69 m 7.23e+04 2.11e-03   0.06 m 1 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
400 311 1  658.408975  658.407776  658.410034   0.71 m   0.69 m   0.76 m 7.62e+04 1.08e-04   0.03 m 0 AA_sample_arabidopsis.mzML - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The 10 most intense peaks of the Arabidopsis sample seem to be sample specific since there is not a single match with the Caulobacter sample.


Similar to run_feature_finder_metabo, MzMine2 pick_peaks features peak detection in two main processing steps ion chromatogram extraction and peak detection where different peak detection algorithms can be applied:

# mzmine2 is an extension we find in emzed name space under ext. # We create a mopre dicrect access mzmine = emzed.ext.mzmine2 mzmine.pick_peaks(peakmap, adap_chromatogram_builder, peak_resolver, rsp_parameters=None, verbose=False)

The peak_picker function arguments are

  • peakmap: PeakMap object

  • adap_chromatogram_builder: ADAPChromatogramBuilder object

  • peak_resolver: PeakDetectionBuilder object

  • rsp_parameters: RemoveShoulderPeaksParameters object, optional. If provided also shoulder peaks will be removed.

  • verbose: print more output from mzmine when verbose is True .

In contrast to openMS run_feature_finder_metabo , pick_peaks does not hand over directly feature detection parameters as function arguments, but objects defining processing step and each processing step object is configured separately. The optional rsp_parameters allows removing shoulder (satellite) peaks. Those are artificial peaks which can by generated by Orbitrap Instruments.


MzMine2 provides ADAP chromatogram extraction and peak detection algorithms [Meyers et al.] (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00947) which we will discuss further. Let us start with ADAPChromatogramBuilder description by Meyers et al.:

  1. Take all the data points in a datafile, sort them by their intensities, and remove those points (mostly noise) below a certain intensity threshold.

  2. Starting with the most intense data point, the first EIC is created.

  3. For this EIC, establish an immutable m/z range that is the data point’s where is specified by the user.

  4. The next data point, which will be the next most intense, is added to an existing EIC if its m/z value falls within its m/z range.

  5. If the next data point does not fall within an EICs m/z range, a new EIC is created. New EICs are only created if the point meets the minimum start intensity requirement set by the user.

  6. An m/z range for a new EIC is created the same way as in step 3 except the boundaries will be adjusted to avoid overlapping with pre-existing EICs. As an example consider an existing EIC with m/z range (100.000,100.020) for . If the new EIC is initialized with a data point having an m/z value of 100.025, then this new EIC will have am/z range set to (100.020, 100.035) rather than (100.015, 100.035).

  7. Repeat steps 4−6 until all the data has been processed.

  8. Finally, a post processing step is implemented. Only EICs with a user defined number of continuous points above a user defined intensity threshold are kept.

``ADAPChromatogramBuilder`` has 4 tuning parameters:

  • minimum_scan_span: Minimum number of scans over which some peak in the chromatogram must have continuous points above the noise level to be recognized as a chromatogram. The optimal value depends on the chromatography system setup. The best way to set this parameter is by studying the raw data and determining what is the typical time span of chromatographic peaks.

  • mz_tolerance: Maximum allowed difference between two m/z values to be considered same. The value is specified both as absolute tolerance (in m/z) and relative tolerance (in ppm). The tolerance range is calculated using maximum of the absolute and relative tolerances.

  • start_intensity: Points below this intensity will not be considered in starting a new chromatogram.

  • intensity_thresh2: This parameter is the intensity value for which intensities greater than this value can contribute to the minimum_scan_span count

Note, with start_intensity and intensity_thresh2 2 different threshold parameters are provided. It is useful to choose a higher start_intensity than intensity_thresh2 values since it allows avoiding chromatogram splits along the baseline due to noise. The parameter depends a lot on signal quality i.e. electro spray stability. openMS ff_metabo handles the same issue by allowing a user defined number of outliers (values below the intensity threshold) or alternatively, by defining a signal frequency (not shown). All those values are instrument and sample dependent and require specific tuning. The art is to find the right balance between peak number and quality and requires some time investment. Good practice is to check for the detection of compounds known to be present in the samples at different abundances (i.e. due targeted analysis or spiked compounds).

Also note, the parameter mz_tolerance is defined by a tuple (absolute_tolerance, relative_tolerance in ppm) and the applied tolerance is defined as \(max(atol, rtol)\). Some emzed expressions have a very similar syntax i.e. column.approx_equal(other_column, atol, rtol) In contrast, all core emzed expressions use the common additive tolerance definition :math:`tol = atol + rtol *value`. To avoid unexpected results, we recommend to set one of the two tuple values to 0.

When comparing openMS run_feature_finder_metabo and MZmine2 peak_picker performance we should configure the same or similar parameters with similar values. Let’s configure the ADAPChromatogramBuilder:

mzmine = emzed.ext.mzmine2
chrom = mzmine.ADAPChromatogramBuilder()
chrom.intensity_thresh2 = 7e3
chrom.minimum_scan_span = 5
chrom.mz_tolerance = (0.008, 0)
chrom.start_intensity = 1e4

Next, we will define peak detection process. MzmMine 2 provides 5 different peak detectors, each with different strengths and weakness.

  • ADAPDetector

  • BaselinePeakDetector

  • MinimumSearchPeakDetector

  • NoiseAmplitudePeakDetector

  • SavitzkyGolayPeakDetector

In the following we will focus on the ``ADAPDectector`` since it performs best in terms of data quality.

ADAP detects peaks using continuous wavelet transformation (CWT). Such transformation simplifies peak recognition since peaks can be detected by varying wavelet scale (the principle is nicely demonstrated here. In principle, LC-MS peaks can now be detected by following along their ridges or ridgeline (max values) as function of the scaling parameter see also Meyers et al.. Configuration requires 6 parameters:

  • peak_duration: Range of acceptable peak lengths. Tuple (min, max) in seconds.

  • rt_for_cwt_scales_duration: Upper and lower bounds of retention times to be used for setting the wavelet scales. Choose a range that is similar to the range of peak widths (FWHM) in seconds expected to be found in the data.

  • sn_estimators: User can choose between two signal to noise estimator objects:

    1. IntensityWindowsSNParameters was tested on LC-MS datasets and uses the peak height as the signal level and the standard deviation of intensities around the peak as the noise level

    2. WaveletCoefficientsSNParameters was tested on GC-MS datasets and uses the continuous wavelet transform coefficients to estimate the signal and noise levels.

  • sn_threshold: Signal to noise ratio threshold. The minimum signal to noise ratio a peak must have to be considered a real feature. Values greater than or equal to 7 will work well and will only detect a very small number of false positive peaks.

  • coef_area_threshold: This is the best coefficient found by taking the inner product of the wavelet at the best scale and the peak, and then dividing by the area under the peak. Values around 100 work well for most data. Filters out bad peaks.

  • min_feat_height: Minimum height of a feature. The smallest intensity a peak can have and be considered a real feature. Should be the same, or similar to start_intensity value of ADAPChromatogramBuilder.

Additional Notes on ``rt_for_cwt_scales_duration`` parameter. The parameter can be interpreted as the width range of the transformed peak. The applied transformation function (mother wavelet) is the so called mexican hat, corresponding to the second derivative of the Gaussian distribution or bell curve. Most importantly, the width of the center peak corresponds to the standard deviation \(\sigma\) and is a good estimator of the chromatogram peak width FWHM range. You might also check the original configuration parameter description in the adap user manual.

Again we configure the parameters in a way to obtain results comparable with the settings we used above for run_feature_finder_metabo.

pd = mzmine.ADAPDetector()
pd.peak_duration = (5.0, 60.0)  # in seconds
pd.rt_for_cwt_scales_duration = (0.04, 3.0)
pd.sn_threshold = 10.0
pd.sn_estimators = (
)  # since we have LC-MS data
pd.coef_area_threshold = 50
pd.min_feat_height = 5e4

Last not least, optional rsp_parameters allows removing shoulder (satellite) peaks. The corresponding RemoveShoulderPeaksParameters object has 2 configuration parameters:

  • resolution: Mass resolution is the dimensionless ratio of the mass of the peak divided by its width. Peak width is taken as the full width at half maximum intensity (FWHM). default = 100’000

  • peak_model: Peaks under the curve of this peak model will be removed. Allowed values: 'GAUSS', 'LORENTZ', 'LORENTZEXTENDED'; default = 'GAUSS'

Samples were acquired with a mass resolution of 30’000 at m/z 400. In case of Orbitrap instruments the resolution is \(R = R_{ref} \sqrt(\frac{{mz}_{ref}}{mz})\) and hence, the m/z acquisition range is important. Also keep in mind, the lower the resolution the broader the correction window width. We set it up as follows:

rsp = mzmine.RemoveShoulderPeaksParameters(30000, "LORENTZ")

Finally, we can run mzmine feature detection:

ta_caulo = mzmine.pick_peaks(
    peakmap_caulobacter, chrom, pd, rsp_parameters=rsp
id parent_id mz rt mzmin mzmax rtmin rtmax area height width
int int MzType RtType MzType MzType RtType RtType float float RtType
1 -   85.075737   1.31 m   85.068855   85.083290   0.30 m   9.83 m 1.28e+07 2.01e+06   9.54 m
2 -   86.059761   1.25 m   86.059601   86.067551   0.59 m   6.18 m 1.37e+07 2.24e+06   5.59 m
3 -   86.079033   1.31 m   86.072250   86.082825   1.28 m   8.44 m 1.09e+06 8.67e+04   7.16 m
4 -   86.096146   1.13 m   86.096039   86.096184   1.10 m   2.54 m 9.79e+05 1.55e+05   1.44 m
5 -   87.063080   1.25 m   87.062820   87.070770   0.09 m   8.53 m 1.40e+06 6.27e+04   8.44 m
6 -   88.050133   1.36 m   88.042343   88.057983   1.07 m   9.67 m 1.03e+06 3.82e+04   8.60 m
7 -   88.075447   1.45 m   88.075363   88.075470   1.44 m   1.49 m 8.37e+05 4.78e+05   0.05 m
8 -   88.111633   0.97 m   88.103668   88.111786   0.93 m   8.50 m 2.16e+06 4.51e+04   7.57 m
9 -   89.059425   0.74 m   89.052620   89.060440   0.05 m   9.98 m 1.43e+06 1.65e+04   9.93 m
10 -   90.054634   4.00 m   90.047531   90.059875   0.58 m  10.00 m 1.70e+06 5.07e+04   9.42 m

Most columns of pick_peaks and run_feature_finder_metabo output Table are the same. pick_peaks provides an additional column parent_id referring to the id of the corresponding EIC. Hence, peaks originating from the same EIC have the same parent_id value and we can sort the table by parent_id to evaluate the peak detection process: chromatogram with peaks

Evaluating the different chromatograms simplifies verifying peak extraction and optimization of peak detection parameters. Since we will no longer need the unsplitteded EICs for further processing, we can remove them via a simple filter command using the fact that they have an empty parent_id:

ta_caulo = ta_caulo.filter(ta_caulo.parent_id.is_not_none())

At this state, isotopologue grouping is still missing. We can accomplish the grouping using ``mzmine.isotope_grouper()``. To this end we have to configure the ``IsotopeGrouperParameters`` object with parameters: - ``mz_tolerance``: Maximum allowed difference between two m/z values to be considered same. The value is specified both as absolute tolerance (in m/z) and relative tolerance (in ppm). The tolerance range is calculated using the maximum of the absolute and relative tolerances. - ``rt_tolerance``: Maximum allowed difference between two retention time values in seconds. Defined as a tuple: (is_abs_value, value) with is_abs_value being either True or False to define if the provided value is absolute or relative. As an example we assume an RT = 100s and rtol = (True, 0.5) rt tolerance equals 0.5s and (False, 0.5) equals 50s. - ``monotonic_shape``: If true, then monotonically decreasing height of isotope pattern is required. - ``maximum_charge``: Maximum charge to consider for detecting the isotope patterns. - ``representative_isotope``: peak, which should represent the whole isotope pattern. For low molecular weight compounds with monotonically decreasing isotope pattern, the most intense isotope should be representative. For high molecular weight molecules, the lowest m/z isotope may be the representative. Allowed values: 'Most intense', 'Lowest m/z'

Note, parameter mz_tolerance refers not to the mz values of isotopologues directly, but refers to the nominal isotopologue mass shift of neighboring isotopologues of an isotopologue pattern. The pattern results from the natural isotope distributions of compound elements and can be calculated (see also link). Hence, mz_tolerance should be selected in a way that it fullfills following condition for all compounds of interest:

\(\lvert (mz_{n+1, measured} -mz_{n+1, calculated}-mz_{n, measured} + mz_{n, calculated})*z\rvert\le mz_{tolerance}\)

with n corresponding to the nominal isotopologue number. Since most biomolecules are composed out of the elements C, H, N, O, P, S isotopologue shifts are mainly driven by \(^{13}C\), \(^{18}O\), \(^{34}S\) and to a certain extend by \(^{15}N\), spanning a mass range of (0.995 and 1.005), which corresponds to a mz_tolerance of about 0.005 for single charged ions. Since \(^{13}C\) is mainly repsonsible for metabolites M1 isotopologue, isotopologue grouping algorithm assums a default isotope mass shift of 1.0033 Da corresponding to the \(^{12}C\) - \(^{13}C\) mass difference. However, high mass resolution instruments are capable to separate \(^{13}C\) and \(^{15}N\) isotopologues and if you want to include the \(^{15}N\) isotopologue peak you should increase the mass tolerance to \(\pm\) 0.008.

For most metabolites with typical elemental composition, a monotonic shape can be assumed and hence the parameter monotonic_shape should be set to True. However, keep in mind that compounds rich in S atoms or some adducts can ommit isotopologue grouping when monotopic shape is assumed, i.e. grouping of \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) of ions with a Cl adduct will fail due to the high abundance of \(^{35}Cl\).

We configure the IsotopeGrouperParameters as follows:

ig = mzmine.IsotopeGrouperParameters()
ig.mz_tolerance = (0.005, 0)
ig.rt_tolerance = (True, 2.0)  # (is_abs_value, value)
ig.monotonic_shape = True
ig.maximum_charge = 3
ig.representative_isotope = "Lowest m/z"

And we get our feature table by:

ta_caulo_final = mzmine.isotope_grouper(ta_caulo, ig)

shutdown send alive token
got first alive token1711363218.9265552
wait for first alive token
json file
Mar 25, 2024 10:40:19 AM net.sf.mzmine.modules.rawdatamethods.rawdataimport.fileformats.MzMLReadTask run
INFO: Started parsing file /tmp/tmp7agqe5yd.mzML
Mar 25, 2024 10:40:19 AM uk.ac.ebi.jmzml.MzMLElement loadProperties
WARNING: MzIdentML Configuration file: jar:file:/root/.emzed3/emzed.ext.mzmine2/mzmine2/MZmine-2.41.2/lib/jmzml-1.7.11.jar!/defaultMzMLElement.cfg.xml
got 1711363219.4278626
Mar 25, 2024 10:40:20 AM net.sf.mzmine.modules.rawdatamethods.rawdataimport.fileformats.MzMLReadTask run
INFO: Finished parsing /tmp/tmp7agqe5yd.mzML, parsed 1066 scans
Mar 25, 2024 10:40:21 AM net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.isotopes.deisotoper.IsotopeGrouperTask run
INFO: Running isotopic peak grouper on
Mar 25, 2024 10:40:21 AM net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.isotopes.deisotoper.IsotopeGrouperTask run
INFO: Finished isotopic peak grouper on
write output file to /tmp/tmpvegf08d6.txt

extracted 1115 deconvolved peaks
extracted 792 deconvolved peaks


ta_caulo_final.sort_by("mz", ascending=False)[:10]
id parent_id mz rt mzmin mzmax rtmin rtmax area height width isotope_group_id isotope_base_peak isotope_group_size isotope_charge
int int MzType RtType MzType MzType RtType RtType float float RtType int int int int
3495 2379  599.389374   1.01 m  599.388489  599.390259   0.97 m   1.08 m 3.64e+06 1.41e+06   0.11 m - - - -
3494 2371  597.875854   0.78 m  597.875366  597.877563   0.74 m   0.84 m 3.32e+05 1.28e+05   0.09 m 414 3492 2 2
3492 2370  597.374146   0.78 m  597.373413  597.375305   0.73 m   0.83 m 5.35e+05 1.74e+05   0.09 m 414 3492 2 2
3493 2370  597.374146   0.54 m  597.373596  597.376770   0.53 m   0.61 m 2.21e+05 7.46e+04   0.07 m - - - -
3491 2368  596.317200   0.50 m  596.312622  596.318970   0.47 m   0.54 m 4.72e+05 2.11e+05   0.07 m 40 3489 3 1
3490 2367  595.315369   0.48 m  595.314880  595.316895   0.47 m   0.56 m 2.46e+06 1.19e+06   0.10 m 40 3489 3 1
3489 2365  594.312195   0.48 m  594.310303  594.312561   0.47 m   0.56 m 8.60e+06 4.07e+06   0.10 m 40 3489 3 1
3486 2351  591.876099   0.72 m  591.875061  591.877075   0.67 m   0.78 m 3.99e+05 1.83e+05   0.10 m 331 3484 4 2
3487 2351  591.875244   1.15 m  591.873657  591.876282   1.12 m   1.24 m 2.62e+05 6.80e+04   0.12 m 331 3484 4 2
3488 2351  591.875092   0.96 m  591.873291  591.877380   0.91 m   0.98 m 1.56e+05 6.00e+04   0.07 m 331 3484 4 2

Note, only grouped peaks obtain additional identifiers, hence columns isotope_group_id and isotope_base_peak contain None values if peaks were not grouped.

Comparing feature_finder_metabo and ADAP

We can use the emzed Table method join to compare the feature detection results. Ideally, both methods will result in the same mz and rt values. We can test this using Table.join allowing only small mz and rt tolerances:

adap = ta_caulo_final
ff = t_caulo
mztol = (0.001, 0.0)
rttol = (2.0, 0.0)  # in the range of about one spectrum distance
comp_adap_ff = adap.join(
    adap.mz.approx_equal(ff.mz, *mztol)
    & adap.rt.approx_equal(ff.rt, *rttol),
print("number of common peaks:", len(comp_adap_ff))

shutdown send alive token
number of common peaks: 736

Note, the length of table comp_adap_ff does not necessarily correspond to the number of common peaks since in principle, a peak in one table can match several peaks in the other table and vice versa, leading to multiple entries for each peak. Here, a more general way to determine the number of common peaks:

ids = comp_adap_ff.id.to_list()
no_peaks = len(set(ids))
print("number of common peaks:", no_peaks)
number of common peaks: 736

Ideally, both feature detection approaches result identical m/z and rt values for the same peaks. We can add a column to show the mz differences:

t = comp_adap_ff
    "mz_delta", t.mz - t.mz__0, emzed.MzType, format_="%.1e"
    t.apply(abs, t.mz_delta),
t = t.sort_by("mz_delta", ascending=False)
id parent_id mz rt mzmin mzmax rtmin rtmax area height width isotope_group_id isotope_base_peak isotope_group_size isotope_charge id__0 feature_id__0 feature_size__0 mz__0 mzmin__0 mzmax__0 rt__0 rtmin__0 rtmax__0 intensity__0 quality__0 fwhm__0 z__0 source__0 mz_delta
int int MzType RtType MzType MzType RtType RtType float float RtType int int int int int int int MzType MzType MzType RtType RtType RtType float float RtType int str MzType
2718 618  245.605164   1.51 m  245.603516  245.610641   1.49 m   1.56 m 1.67e+05 6.15e+04   0.07 m - - - - 575 341 2  245.606116  245.602371  245.610641   1.53 m   1.49 m   1.58 m 2.02e+05 1.67e-04   0.06 m 2 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 9.5e-04
3187 1661  447.270050   0.53 m  447.269714  447.270508   0.52 m   0.59 m 9.05e+05 3.96e+05   0.07 m - - - - 581 346 1  447.269209  447.259308  447.272034   0.53 m   0.47 m   0.66 m 7.04e+05 1.64e-04   0.03 m 0 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 8.4e-04
3338 2033  520.332031   0.74 m  520.330017  520.333252   0.70 m   0.79 m 6.78e+05 2.83e+05   0.09 m - - - - 660 412 1  520.332712  520.330017  520.344360   0.74 m   0.71 m   0.82 m 5.35e+05 1.25e-04   0.03 m 0 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 6.8e-04
3422 2236  564.327545   0.52 m  564.321594  564.328308   0.50 m   0.57 m 1.33e+06 5.86e+05   0.07 m - - - - 390 195 2  564.328171  564.321594  564.341370   0.52 m   0.50 m   0.64 m 1.17e+06 3.53e-04   0.05 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 6.3e-04
2675 534  230.838531   1.53 m  230.835220  230.840469   1.46 m   1.60 m 3.98e+06 9.45e+05   0.14 m 132 2675 2 3 244 110 1  230.837950  230.835220  230.840469   1.53 m   1.45 m   1.59 m 3.26e+06 7.61e-04   0.08 m 0 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 5.8e-04
3491 2368  596.317200   0.50 m  596.312622  596.318970   0.47 m   0.54 m 4.72e+05 2.11e+05   0.07 m 40 3489 3 1 113 45 3  596.317778  596.312622  596.320618   0.49 m   0.47 m   0.56 m 4.03e+05 2.15e-03   0.05 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 5.8e-04
3262 1853  484.314926   1.57 m  484.312286  484.315338   1.54 m   1.64 m 4.49e+05 1.68e+05   0.10 m 123 3257 6 3 332 155 3  484.314352  484.312286  484.315338   1.58 m   1.50 m   1.63 m 4.71e+05 5.00e-04   0.06 m 3 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 5.7e-04
3375 2097  533.306763   0.52 m  533.304932  533.307312   0.50 m   0.59 m 1.41e+06 6.08e+05   0.09 m 181 3375 2 1 395 199 2  533.306200  533.296936  533.307312   0.52 m   0.46 m   0.61 m 1.19e+06 3.38e-04   0.04 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 5.6e-04
3293 1933  499.283325   1.55 m  499.281006  499.284668   1.48 m   1.58 m 6.57e+05 1.74e+05   0.10 m 23 3286 3 1 41 15 3  499.282783  499.279083  499.284668   1.54 m   1.47 m   1.58 m 6.34e+05 5.55e-03   0.06 m 1 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 5.4e-04
3434 2261  570.339050   0.80 m  570.331909  570.341797   0.75 m   0.84 m 3.59e+05 1.34e+05   0.09 m 291 3431 3 3 535 308 2  570.338545  570.331909  570.341797   0.80 m   0.75 m   0.86 m 2.92e+05 1.96e-04   0.05 m 3 AA_sample_caulobacter.mzML 5.1e-04

We observe rather small m/z variances at the 4th digit which are below mass accuracy of the instrument. Exceptions seem to be due to bad quality i.e. peak id==2722 turned out to be a satellite peak which has not been removed. Summarized, peaks detected with both methods give the same results for common detected peaks.

Next we evaluate peaks exclusively extracted with only one out of the two detectors: the joined table provides peaks ids of those peaks detected with both tools. With the method left_join we can also find peaks detected with only one out of the two tools, since rows of the joined table contain only None values.

# mzmine2
comp_adap_ff = adap.left_join(
    adap.mz.approx_equal(ff.mz, *mztol)
    & adap.rt.approx_equal(ff.rt, *rttol),
adap_only = comp_adap_ff.filter(comp_adap_ff.id__0.is_none())
# open ms
comp_ff_adap = ff.left_join(
    ff.mz.approx_equal(adap.mz, *mztol)
    & ff.rt.approx_equal(adap.rt, *rttol),
ff_only = comp_ff_adap.filter(comp_ff_adap.id__0.is_none())
print(f"only by ADAP: {len(adap_only)}")
print(f"only by run_feature_finder_metabo: {len(ff_only)}")
only by ADAP: 379
only by run_feature_finder_metabo: 308

Note, here we do not build a set from id values to count the number of peaks, since by definition there are exists no similar peak in the joint table.


Figure 5: Top 10 peaks exclusively detected with ff_metabo (A) and ADAP (B).

When evaluating exclusive peaks, both approaches miss significant peaks (Figure 5). For given parameters, ff_metabo detects about 4 % more peaks than ADAP but it ff_metabo misses more high quality peaks.

SUMMARY: Both approaches give similar results with a slightly better performance of the ADAP. However, some further parameter optimization might close the gap between the two methods. ADAP has a clear advantage in case of Orbitrap instruments data since it can directly remove shoulder peaks. On the other hand ff_metabo is about 100x faster than ADAP. This is a clear advantage when analyzing huge data sets.

Peak deconvolution (adduct grouping)


``emzed.adducts`` module largely enhances adduct annotation. Note, that here we do not use the term adduct properly, since we also consider protonation and deprotonation “adducts”. First, it provides detailed information about all common adducts. In total 54 adducts in positive and negative ionization mode are provided. To get detailed information about all available adducts in both modes use the command

id adduct_name m_multiplier adduct_add adduct_sub z sign_z
int str int str str int int
0 M-3H 1 H3 3 -1
1 M-2H 1 H2 2 -1
2 M- 1 1 -1
3 M-H 1 H 1 -1
4 M-H2O-H 1 H2OH 1 -1
5 M+Na-2H 1 Na H2 1 -1
6 M+Cl 1 Cl 1 -1
7 M+K-2H 1 K H2 1 -1
8 M+KCl-H 1 KCl H 1 -1
9 M+FA-H 1 H2CO2 H 1 -1
id adduct_name m_multiplier adduct_add adduct_sub z sign_z
int str int str str int int
44 M+3ACN+2H 1 (C2H3N)3H2 2 1
45 M+ACN+2H 1 (C2H3N)1H2 2 1
46 M+2H 1 H2 2 1
47 M+H+Na 1 HNa 2 1
48 M+H+K 1 HK 2 1
49 M+2Na 1 Na2 2 1
50 M+3H 1 H3 3 1
51 M+2H+Na 1 (H2)1Na 3 1
52 M+3Na 1 Na3 3 1
53 M+2Na+H 1 (Na2)1H 3 1

For space reasons we only list the first 10 and the last 10 adducts for each mode. Multitude of adducts subsets are also directly available i.e.

adds = emzed.adducts.positive_single_charged
id adduct_name m_multiplier adduct_add adduct_sub z sign_z
int str int str str int int
19 M+ 1 1 1
20 M+H 1 H 1 1
21 M+NH4 1 NH4 1 1
22 M+Na 1 Na 1 1
23 M+H-2H2O 1 H (H2O)2 1 1
24 M+H-H2O 1 H H2O 1 1
25 M+K 1 K 1 1
26 M+ACN+H 1 C2H3NH 1 1
27 M+2ACN+H 1 (C2H3N)2H 1 1
28 M+ACN+Na 1 (C2H3N)1Na 1 1
29 M+2Na-H 1 Na2 H 1 1
30 M+Li 1 Li 1 1
31 M+CH3OH+H 1 CH3OHH 1 1
32 M+2K-H 1 K2 H 1 1
33 M+IsoProp+H 1 (C3H8O)1H 1 1
34 M+IsoProp+Na+H 1 (C3H8O)1NaH 1 1
35 M+DMSO+H 1 (C2H6OS)1H 1 1
36 2M+H 2 H 1 1
37 2M+NH4 2 NH4 1 1
38 2M+Na 2 Na 1 1
39 2M+K 2 K 1 1
40 2M+ACN+H 2 (C2H3N)1H 1 1
41 2M+ACN+Na 2 (C2H3N)1Na 1 1

Columns ``m_multiplier``, ``adduct_add``, ``adduct_sub`` and ``z`` are required to calculate the correct neutral mass. Provided adduct tables can be directly used for adduct asignment with method:

annotate = emzed.annotate.annotate_adducts
help(annotate)  # more explanat
Help on function annotate_adducts in module emzed.annotate.annotate_adducts:

annotate_adducts(peaks, adducts, mz_tol, rt_tol, explained_abundance=0.2)
    attempts to group peaks as adducts.

    required column names are `mz` and `rt` only. all other columns will be ignored.

Note that you should select only those adducts for assignment which are likely to be present. Some adducts i.e. acetate are more difficult to interprete since the mass shift can also origin from an in source fragmentation of i.e. a sugar moiety. We will select most common adducts from our adducts table by columnn id:

ids = [20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 32, 36, 38, 39]
adducts = adds.filter(adds.id.is_in(ids))
t_annotate = annotate(adap, adducts, 0.002, 1.5, 0.3)
t_annotate.sort_by("adduct_cluster_id", ascending=False)[:10]
id parent_id mz rt mzmin mzmax rtmin rtmax area height width isotope_group_id isotope_base_peak isotope_group_size isotope_charge adduct_name adduct_isotopes adduct_isotopes_abundance adduct_m0 adduct_cluster_id
int int MzType RtType MzType MzType RtType RtType float float RtType int int int int str str float MzType int
2460 123  143.154099   6.24 m  143.154053  143.154343   6.20 m   6.29 m 2.51e+05 6.59e+04   0.09 m - - - - M+H +[1]H 0.999885  142.146822 148
2506 197  160.180588   6.22 m  160.180466  160.180832   6.16 m   6.40 m 1.26e+08 2.56e+07   0.24 m 5 2506 3 1 M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862  142.146762 148
2475 141  151.035149   6.10 m  151.034973  151.035324   6.08 m   6.19 m 9.79e+06 2.55e+06   0.10 m 67 2475 2 1 M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862  133.001323 147
2771 718  267.013214   6.10 m  267.012726  267.013519   6.08 m   6.19 m 6.60e+05 1.85e+05   0.10 m - - - - 2M+H +[1]H 0.999885  133.002969 147
2391 15   94.044815   6.11 m   94.044685   94.044945   6.09 m   6.18 m 3.34e+05 1.16e+05   0.09 m - - - - M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862   76.010990 146
2481 150  153.032631   6.10 m  153.032425  153.032776   6.08 m   6.19 m 1.40e+06 3.69e+05   0.10 m - - - - 2M+H +[1]H 0.999885   76.012677 146
2683 555  237.090317   6.01 m  237.090012  237.091080   5.98 m   6.09 m 1.23e+06 5.54e+05   0.11 m - - - - 2M+H +[1]H 0.999885  118.041520 145
2751 681  259.072266   6.01 m  259.071991  259.072571   6.00 m   6.07 m 1.47e+05 7.63e+04   0.08 m - - - - 2M+Na +[23]Na 1.000000  118.041522 145
2683 555  237.090317   6.01 m  237.090012  237.091080   5.98 m   6.09 m 1.23e+06 5.54e+05   0.11 m - - - - M+H +[1]H 0.999885  236.083040 144
2751 681  259.072266   6.01 m  259.071991  259.072571   6.00 m   6.07 m 1.47e+05 7.63e+04   0.08 m - - - - M+Na +[23]Na 1.000000  236.083045 144

``annotate_adducts`` adds colums adduct_name, adduct_isotopes, adduct_abundance, adduct_m0 and adduct_cluster_id. It provides detailed information about the grouping process and manual evaluation is straightforward. The more adducts you add the more groupings are possible and adducts might be present in more than 1 adduct group, which can be deduced from table length:

print("before:", len(adap), "\nafter :", len(t_annotate))
before: 1115
after : 311

With a few lines of code we can extract those cases:

from collections import Counter

id2counts = Counter(t_annotate.id)
# peaks with ids present more than ones show ambiguous grouping
ids = [key for key, counts in id2counts.items() if counts > 1]
# next we can filter our table for selected peaks
t = t_annotate.filter(t_annotate.id.is_in(ids))
# we now obtain the associated adduct_cluster_ids
ac_is = t.adduct_cluster_id.to_list()
# now we can access the subtable of interest:
t_cases = t_annotate.filter(t_annotate.adduct_cluster_id.is_in(ac_is))
id parent_id mz rt mzmin mzmax rtmin rtmax area height width isotope_group_id isotope_base_peak isotope_group_size isotope_charge adduct_name adduct_isotopes adduct_isotopes_abundance adduct_m0 adduct_cluster_id
int int MzType RtType MzType MzType RtType RtType float float RtType int int int int str str float MzType int
2382 2   86.059761   1.25 m   86.059662   86.059853   1.22 m   1.35 m 6.63e+06 2.24e+06   0.13 m 73 2382 3 1 M+H +[1]H 0.999885   85.052485 0
2407 39  112.050262   1.63 m  112.050102  112.050461   1.59 m   1.72 m 8.53e+05 2.85e+05   0.13 m - - - - M+H +[1]H 0.999885  111.042986 2
2407 39  112.050262   1.63 m  112.050102  112.050461   1.59 m   1.72 m 8.53e+05 2.85e+05   0.13 m - - - - 2M+H +[1]H 0.999885   55.521493 3
2418 57  118.085960   1.65 m  118.085831  118.086128   1.62 m   1.72 m 7.23e+05 2.20e+05   0.10 m - - - - M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862  100.052135 4
2424 67  122.924286   2.16 m  122.924202  122.924393   2.10 m   2.23 m 3.22e+06 9.15e+05   0.12 m - - - - M+K +[39]K 0.932581   83.961128 99
2444 97  134.032135   1.63 m  134.031860  134.032349   1.60 m   1.68 m 2.37e+05 1.08e+05   0.08 m - - - - M+Na +[23]Na 1.000000  111.042914 2
2444 97  134.032135   1.63 m  134.031860  134.032349   1.60 m   1.68 m 2.37e+05 1.08e+05   0.08 m - - - - 2M+Na +[23]Na 1.000000   55.521457 3
2479 145  152.056465   1.92 m  152.056320  152.056839   1.88 m   2.05 m 7.97e+05 2.44e+05   0.17 m 346 2479 2 1 M+H +[1]H 0.999885  151.049189 90
2479 145  152.056465   1.92 m  152.056320  152.056839   1.88 m   2.05 m 7.97e+05 2.44e+05   0.17 m 346 2479 2 1 2M+H +[1]H 0.999885   75.524594 91
2484 153  153.102066   1.25 m  153.101929  153.102234   1.19 m   1.42 m 2.00e+07 5.76e+06   0.23 m - - - - M+H-H2O +[1]H -[1]H2 [16]O 0.997226  170.105355 6

When scrolling to the right end of the resulting table we observe that multiple grouping was due to selecting the adducts M+X and 2M+X. If both adducts result identical mass shifts but different monoisotopic masses m0, the same peaks are grouped twice but with different adduct_custer_id. Hence, selecting M+X and 2M+X at the same time must result in multiple grouping. Choose possible adducts with care!


MzMine2 supports adduct annotation, thereby correctly using the term adduct, meaning protonated and deprotonated ions are not incuded. The adduct_search algorithm only annotates potential adducts. However, since a grouping id is missing it is hardly possible to evaluate the quality of the grouping process. MzMine2 ``search_adducts`` is only suited for adduct peak removing. Although grouping of molecule ions of different charge state is possible with Mzmine2, the required method Peak complex search is currently not supported by emzed and therefore, we recommend using the emzed.annotate_adducts() method described above.

How to group adducts with the MzMine2 extension? The function adduct_search(peaks, parameters) with attribute peaks being a peaks table with required columns id, mz, rt, height and wih attribute parameters being an mzmine AdductSearchParameters(rt_tolerance, adducts, mz_tolerance, max_adduct_height) object. The default parameters are configured as follows:

rt_tolerance = (False, 1.0)
adducts = (
    ("[M+Na-H]", 21.9825),
    ("[M+K-H]", 37.9559),
    ("[M+Mg-2H]", 21.9694),
    ("[M+NH3]", 17.0265),
    ("[M+H3PO4]", 97.9769),
    ("[M+H2SO4]", 97.9674),
    ("[M+H2CO3]", 62.0004),
    ("[(Deuterium)]glycerol", 5.0),
mz_tolerance = (0.001, 0)
max_adduct_height = 1.0
  • rt_tolerance: a tuple (is_abolute_value, \(\Delta RT\)) that allows defining absolute difference by is_abolute_value (True, False). By default relative rt value differences are used. However, since we group coeluting peak the allowed tolerance is rather depending on the peak width (shape) than on the RT itself and absolute values should be used.

  • adducts: are tuples (adduct name, mass difference to molecular ion) and any single charged adduct can be defined. Note: Default values contain not the adduct ion itself but the mass shift relative to the main ion (normally M+H, M-H). Morevoer mass shifts of both ionization modes are listed and hence the list must be adapted to obtain meainingful results.

  • mz_tolerance: a tuple (absolute, relative) with absolute and relative allowed maximal adduct mass difference. Remember, if you provide both, a relative and an absolute difference, the higher of both values is applied.

  • max_adduct_height: Maximum height of the recognized adduct peak, relative to the main peak. By default peaks of the same height are allowed.

Again, we can use ``emzed.adducts`` module to build our adducts search list

adds = emzed.adducts.positive_single_charged
ids = [21, 22, 24, 25, 32]
adducts = adds.filter(adds.id.is_in(ids))
a = adducts

# we calculate the mass shift relative to the M+H ion
expr = (
    a.apply(emzed.mass.of, a.adduct_add)
    - a.apply(emzed.mass.of, a.adduct_sub)
    - emzed.mass.H1
a.add_column("mass_shift", expr, float)
# We build the (name, mass_shift) tuple with mass shift relative to M+H
adducts = list(zip(a.adduct_name, a.mass_shift))
[('M+NH4', 17.0265490957),
 ('M+Na', 21.981944248999998),
 ('M+H-H2O', -18.0105650638),
 ('M+K', 37.955881648100004),
 ('M+2K-H', 75.91176329620001)]

We can now setup the AdductSearchParameter object: ~~~ params = mzmine.AdductSearchParameters() params.adducts = adducts params.mz_tolerance=(0.001, 0.0) params.rt_tolerance=(True, 2.0) params_max_adduct_height=1.0 ~~~

and we can run search_adduct ~~~ ta_caulo_annotated = mzmine.adduct_search(t_caulo, params) ~~~

annotated = ta_caulo_annotated.filter(
id parent_id mz rt mzmin mzmax rtmin rtmax area height width isotope_group_id isotope_base_peak isotope_group_size isotope_charge adduct_annotation
int int MzType RtType MzType MzType RtType RtType float float RtType int int int int str
2444 97  134.032135   1.63 m  134.031860  134.032349   1.60 m   1.68 m 2.37e+05 1.08e+05   0.08 m - - - - M+Na 21.9819 m/z adduct of 112.0503 m/z
2484 153  153.102066   1.25 m  153.101929  153.102234   1.19 m   1.42 m 2.00e+07 5.76e+06   0.23 m - - - - M+H-H2O -18.0106 m/z adduct of 171.1126 m/z
2488 159  154.086075   0.55 m  154.085953  154.086288   0.52 m   0.61 m 3.39e+05 1.01e+05   0.10 m - - - - M+H-H2O -18.0106 m/z adduct of 172.0966 m/z
2490 160  154.105362   1.25 m  154.105255  154.105515   1.18 m   1.33 m 1.38e+06 4.84e+05   0.15 m 2 2483 4 1 M+H-H2O -18.0106 m/z adduct of 172.1159 m/z
2534 253  174.038376   1.92 m  174.038132  174.038559   1.89 m   2.03 m 8.39e+05 2.43e+05   0.14 m - - - - M+Na 21.9819 m/z adduct of 152.0565 m/z
2562 305  186.038345   1.32 m  186.038132  186.038528   1.30 m   1.38 m 1.38e+05 5.29e+04   0.08 m - - - - M+Na 21.9819 m/z adduct of 164.0565 m/z
2745 681  259.072266   6.01 m  259.071991  259.072571   6.00 m   6.07 m 1.47e+05 7.63e+04   0.08 m - - - - M+Na 21.9819 m/z adduct of 237.0903 m/z
2751 691  261.160095   0.52 m  261.156097  261.160767   0.51 m   0.59 m 2.15e+05 7.31e+04   0.08 m - - - - M+H-H2O -18.0106 m/z adduct of 279.1706 m/z
2766 720  267.130951   1.53 m  267.130585  267.131561   1.45 m   1.56 m 1.05e+06 3.37e+05   0.11 m - - - - M+Na 21.9819 m/z adduct of 245.1494 m/z
2787 778  276.070312   3.98 m  276.069855  276.070496   3.95 m   4.04 m 1.80e+05 6.68e+04   0.10 m - - - - M+Na 21.9819 m/z adduct of 254.0883 m/z

Pubchem database matching

The ``emzed.db`` module supports database matching using a local subset of the pubchem data base, which comprises all compounds annotated in KEGG, BIOCYC, and HMDB. When using the local database for the first time, you have to run the command:

update pubchem: 00:00:00.0 [ ]


update pubchem: 00:00:00.0 [ ]


update pubchem: 00:00:00.0 [ ]

update pubchem: 00:00:00.1 [| ]


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update pubchem: 00:00:00.3 [|||| ]

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update pubchem: 00:00:00.4 [||||| ]

update pubchem: 00:00:00.4 [|||||| ]


update pubchem: 00:00:00.4 [|||||| ]


update pubchem: 00:00:00.4 [|||||| ]

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update pubchem: 00:00:00.5 [||||||| ]


update pubchem: 00:00:00.5 [||||||| ]

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update pubchem: 00:00:00.6 [|||||||| ]


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got 242017 entries from pubchem_2024-03-02_12-03.gz
you can access emzed.db.pubchem now

Downloading the database might take several minutes. Once the download is finished you can access the pubchem database as Table with the command:

pc = emzed.db.pubchem
cid mw m0 mf iupac synonyms inchi inchikey smiles is_in_kegg is_in_hmdb is_in_biocyc url
str float float str str str str str str bool bool bool str
157010395  227.2400  227.025230 C9H9NO4S (6-methyl-1H-indol-3-yl) hydrogen sulfate InChI=1S/C9H9NO4S/c1-6-2-3-7-8(4-6)10-5-9(7)14-15(11,12)13/h2-5,10H,1H3,(H,11,12,13) LTCLZQOHPYRNCF-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC1=CC2=C(C=C1)C(=CN2)OS(=O)(=O)O False True False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=157010395
157010394  211.2400  211.030315 C9H9NO3S 5-methyl-1H-indole-3-sulfonic acid InChI=1S/C9H9NO3S/c1-6-2-3-8-7(4-6)9(5-10-8)14(11,12)13/h2-5,10H,1H3,(H,11,12,13) YCHNMDFAZIEGTD-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC1=CC2=C(C=C1)NC=C2S(=O)(=O)O False True False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=157010394
157010393  245.2500  245.035795 C9H11NO5S (5-methoxy-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-3-yl) hydrogen sulfate InChI=1S/C9H11NO5S/c1-14-6-2-3-8-7(4-6)9(5-10-8)15-16(11,12)13/h2-4,9-10H,5H2,1H3,(H,11,12,13) IBLCRTNVHXHBPT-UHFFFAOYSA-N COC1=CC2=C(C=C1)NCC2OS(=O)(=O)O False True False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=157010393
157010392  247.2300  247.015060 C8H9NO6S (3-acetamido-2-hydroxyphenyl) hydrogen sulfate InChI=1S/C8H9NO6S/c1-5(10)9-6-3-2-4-7(8(6)11)15-16(12,13)14/h2-4,11H,1H3,(H,9,10)(H,12,13,14) RDMTZUKFIWMIKV-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(=O)NC1=C(C(=CC=C1)OS(=O)(=O)O)O False True False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=157010392
157010391  231.2300  231.020145 C8H9NO5S (3-acetyl-2-aminophenyl) hydrogen sulfate InChI=1S/C8H9NO5S/c1-5(10)6-3-2-4-7(8(6)9)14-15(11,12)13/h2-4H,9H2,1H3,(H,11,12,13) VBVLVDWTWCPJFQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(=O)C1=C(C(=CC=C1)OS(=O)(=O)O)N False True False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=157010391

Colummns is_kegg, is_hmdb, and is_biocyc allows further constraining the database to a single source. To obtain the KEGG database one can apply the Table filter method:

kegg = pc.filter(pc.is_in_kegg)
cid mw m0 mf iupac synonyms inchi inchikey smiles is_in_kegg is_in_hmdb is_in_biocyc url
str float float str str str str str str bool bool bool str
154573045  183.1400  183.066046 C5H14NO4P hydroxy-[(1S)-1-hydroxy-2-(trimethylazaniumyl)ethyl]phosphinate [(1R)-1-hydroxy-2-(trimethylamino)ethyl]phosphonate, C22271 InChI=1S/C5H14NO4P/c1-6(2,3)4-5(7)11(8,9)10/h5,7H,4H2,1-3H3,(H-,8,9,10)/t5-/m0/s1 YJIOAKRBBHTUPD-YFKPBYRVSA-N C[N+](C)(C)CC(O)P(=O)(O)[O-] True False False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=154573045
154573044  639.5000  639.178908 C22H34N5O15P (2R,4S,5R,6S)-5-acetamido-6-[(1R,2S)-1-acetamido-2-hydroxypropyl]-2-[[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(4-amino-2-oxopyrimidin-1-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methoxy-hydroxyphosphoryl]oxy-4-hydroxyoxane-2-carboxylic acid CMP-8eLeg5Ac7Ac, CMP-N,N'-diacetyl-8-epilegionaminate, CMP-di-N-acetyl-8-epilegionaminic acid, CMP-5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-L-glycero-D-galacto-non-2-ulosonic acid, C22256 InChI=1S/C22H34N5O15P/c1-8(28)14(24-9(2)29)18-15(25-10(3)30)11(31)6-22(41-18,20(34)35)42-43(37,38)39-7-12-16(32)17(33)19(40-12)27-5-4-13(23)26-21(27)36/h4-5,8,11-12,14-19,28,31-33H,6-7H2,1-3H3,(H,24,29)(H,25,30)(H,34,35)(H,37,38)(H2,23,26,36)/t8-,11-,12+,14+,15+,16+,17+,18-,19+,22+/m0/s1 XTZJKGIMUFZFBV-RGZSOLJUSA-N CC(C(C1C(C(CC(O1)(C(=O)O)OP(=O)(O)OCC2C(C(C(O2)N3C=CC(=NC3=O)N)O)O)O)NC(=O)C)NC(=O)C)O True False False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=154573044
154573043  334.3200  334.137619 C13H22N2O8 (2S,4S,5R,6S)-5-acetamido-6-[(1R,2S)-1-acetamido-2-hydroxypropyl]-2,4-dihydroxyoxane-2-carboxylic acid 5,7-Di-N-acetyl-8-epi-legionaminic acid, 8eLeg5,7Ac2, 8eLeg5Ac7Ac, di-N-acetyl-8-epilegionaminic acid, N,N'-Diacetyl-8-epilegionaminate, C22255 InChI=1S/C13H22N2O8/c1-5(16)9(14-6(2)17)11-10(15-7(3)18)8(19)4-13(22,23-11)12(20)21/h5,8-11,16,19,22H,4H2,1-3H3,(H,14,17)(H,15,18)(H,20,21)/t5-,8-,9+,10+,11-,13-/m0/s1 ZJOSXOOPEBJBMC-HFPOIACQSA-N CC(C(C1C(C(CC(O1)(C(=O)O)O)O)NC(=O)C)NC(=O)C)O True False False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=154573043
154573042  363.3600  363.164168 C14H25N3O8 (2S,4S,5R,6S)-5-acetamido-6-[(1R,2R)-1-[[(2R)-2-aminopropanoyl]amino]-2-hydroxypropyl]-2,4-dihydroxyoxane-2-carboxylic acid 5-N-Acetyl-7-N-(D-alanyl)-legionaminic acid, Leg5Ac7Ala, C22250 InChI=1S/C14H25N3O8/c1-5(15)12(21)17-9(6(2)18)11-10(16-7(3)19)8(20)4-14(24,25-11)13(22)23/h5-6,8-11,18,20,24H,4,15H2,1-3H3,(H,16,19)(H,17,21)(H,22,23)/t5-,6-,8+,9-,10-,11+,14+/m1/s1 YOJVIVTWNYBJKZ-YAAZEVEFSA-N CC(C(C1C(C(CC(O1)(C(=O)O)O)O)NC(=O)C)NC(=O)C(C)N)O True False False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=154573042
154573041  275.3000  275.148123 C11H21N3O5 (2R)-N-[(2R,3S,4S,5S)-5-acetamido-4,6-dihydroxy-2-methyloxan-3-yl]-2-aminopropanamide C22249, 2-Acetamido-4-(D-alanylamino)-2,4,6-trideoxy-D-mannopyranose InChI=1S/C11H21N3O5/c1-4(12)10(17)14-7-5(2)19-11(18)8(9(7)16)13-6(3)15/h4-5,7-9,11,16,18H,12H2,1-3H3,(H,13,15)(H,14,17)/t4-,5-,7-,8+,9+,11?/m1/s1 AEVALLGLWYRNFL-PRKKQAIISA-N CC1C(C(C(C(O1)O)NC(=O)C)O)NC(=O)C(C)N True False False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=154573041

Database matching after adduct annotation with emzed annotate_adducts is straighforward since it is sufficient to match the database column ``m0`` with the peak table column ``adduct_m0``.

In case the peaks table was built with mzmine we can use the column ``isotope_base_peak_id`` to keep only the monoisotopic features (and the features without isotopologues):

t = t_annotate.filter(
    | (t_annotate.isotope_base_peak == t_annotate.id)
print(f"before: {len(t_annotate)}\tafter: {len(t)} ")
before: 311     after: 259
# keep only features with KEGG match
t_match = t.join(kegg, t.adduct_m0.approx_equal(kegg.m0, 0.003, 0.0))
print(f"number of matches: {len(t_match)}")
number of matches: 524
id parent_id mz rt mzmin mzmax rtmin rtmax area height width isotope_group_id isotope_base_peak isotope_group_size isotope_charge adduct_name adduct_isotopes adduct_isotopes_abundance adduct_m0 adduct_cluster_id cid__0 mw__0 m0__0 mf__0 iupac__0 synonyms__0 inchi__0 inchikey__0 smiles__0 is_in_kegg__0 is_in_hmdb__0 is_in_biocyc__0 url__0
int int MzType RtType MzType MzType RtType RtType float float RtType int int int int str str float MzType int str float float str str str str str str bool bool bool str
2382 2   86.059761   1.25 m   86.059662   86.059853   1.22 m   1.35 m 6.63e+06 2.24e+06   0.13 m 73 2382 3 1 M+H +[1]H 0.999885   85.052485 0 6406   85.1000   85.052764 C4H7NO 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanenitrile ACETONE CYANOHYDRIN, 2-Hydroxy-2-methylpropanenitrile, 75-86-5, Acetone cyanhydrin, 2-Hydroxyisobutyronitrile, 2-Methyllactonitrile, 2-Cyano-2-propanol, alpha-Hydroxyisobutyronitrile, Acetoncyanhydrin, 2-Cyano-2-hydroxypropane, Propanenitrile, 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-, 2-Propanone, cyanohydrin, Acetoncianidrina, Acetonkyanhydrin, Lactonitrile, 2-methyl-, 2-Hydroxy-2-methylpropionitrile, Acetoncianhidrinei, Acetoncyaanhydrine, Acetonecyanhydrine, Cyanhydrine d'acetone, USAF RH-8, RCRA waste number P069, .alpha.-Hydroxyisobutyronitrile, NSC 131093, 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-propionitrile, CO1YOV1KFI, DTXSID7025427, CHEBI:15348, NSC-131093, WLN: QX1&1&CN, DTXCID705427, Acetonkyanhydrin [Czech], Acetoncyanhydrin [German], Acetonecyanohydrin, Acetoncianidrina [Italian], Acetoncyaanhydrine [Dutch], Acetonecyanhydrine [French], CAS-75-86-5, Acetoncianhidrinei [Romanian], Acetone cyanohydrin, stabilized, CCRIS 4657, Cyanhydrine d'acetone [French], HSDB 971, a-hydroxyisobutyronitrile, UNII-CO1YOV1KFI, EINECS 200-909-4, UN1541, RCRA waste no. P069, BRN 0605391, AI3-04257, aceton cyanohydrin, 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-propanenitrile, acetone cyanhydrine, acetone-cyanohydrin, acetone cyanohydrine, acetone-cyanohydrine, acetone cyano-hydrin, 2-Cyanopropan-2-ol, 2-hydroxy-2-cyanopropane, Acetone cyanohydrin, 99%, EC 200-909-4, 4-03-00-00785 (Beilstein Handbook Reference), NSC977, 2-methyl-2-hydroxypropionitrile, ACETONE CYANOHYDRIN [MI], CHEMBL1231861, DIMETHYLKETONE CYANOHYDRIN, 2-Methyl-2-hydroxypropanenitrile, NSC-977, NSC7080, 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropane nitrile, 2-methyl-2-oxidanyl-propanenitrile, 2-Hydroxy-2-methylpropanenitrile #, NSC-7080, Tox21_201490, Tox21_303256, MFCD00004455, NSC131093, AKOS000118890, DB02203, UN 1541, NCGC00249054-01, NCGC00257016-01, NCGC00259041-01, FT-0665317, M0361, NS00001430, EN300-19189, C02659, A838531, Q222936, W-109043, Acetone cyanohydrin, stabilized [UN1541]  [Poison], InChI=1/C4H7NO/c1-4(2,6)3-5/h6H,1-2H, F1908-0094 InChI=1S/C4H7NO/c1-4(2,6)3-5/h6H,1-2H3 MWFMGBPGAXYFAR-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(C)(C#N)O True True True http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=6406
2391 15   94.044815   6.11 m   94.044685   94.044945   6.09 m   6.18 m 3.34e+05 1.16e+05   0.09 m - - - - M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862   76.010990 146 2723790   76.1200   76.009519 CH4N2S thiourea THIOUREA, Thiocarbamide, 62-56-6, 2-Thiourea, Isothiourea, Pseudothiourea, Sulfourea, Thiuronium, Sulourea, 2-Thiopseudourea, Thiocarbonic acid diamide, Urea, thio-, Carbamimidothioic acid, beta-Thiopseudourea, Thiomocovina, Urea, 2-thio-, Tsizp 34, Pseudourea, 2-thio-, Thioharnstoff, Thiokarbamid, USAF EK-497, carbonothioic diamide, Thiocarbamid, RCRA waste number U219, Sulfouren, Caswell No. 855, NSC 5033, CCRIS 588, aminothioamide, GYV9AM2QAG, thio-urea, UNII-GYV9AM2QAG, HSDB 1401, 17356-08-0, aminothiocarboxamide, EINECS 200-543-5, H2NC(S)NH2, EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 080201, .beta.-Thiopseudourea, DTXSID9021348, CHEBI:36946, AI3-03582, NSC-5033, MFCD00008067, (NH2)2CS, CHEMBL260876, DTXCID101348, NSC5033, EC 200-543-5, THIOUREA (IARC), THIOUREA [IARC], TOU, Thiomocovina [Czech], sulfocarbamide, RCRA waste no. U219, CAS-62-56-6, S C (N H2)2, PROPYLTHIOURACIL IMPURITY A (EP IMPURITY), PROPYLTHIOURACIL IMPURITY A [EP IMPURITY], THIOUREA, ACS, thiopseudourea, 2-Thio-Pseudourea, Thiocarbonic diamide, 2-Thio-Urea, beta -thiopseudourea, Urea, 2-thio, Caswell no 855, THIOCARBMATE, Thiourea, 99%, thiourea; thiocarbamide, THIOUREA [HSDB], THIOUREA [INCI], WLN: ZYZUS, THIOUREA [MI], THIOUREA [VANDF], Urea, thio- (8CI), THIOUREA [WHO-DD], Thiourea ACS Reagent Grade, Thiourea, LR, >=98%, MLS002454451, BIDD:ER0582, HMS2234E12, HMS3369M21, AMY40190, BCP27948, STR00054, Tox21_201873, Tox21_302767, BDBM50229993, Thiourea, ACS reagent, >=99.0%, AKOS000269032, AKOS028109302, CCG-207963, UN 2877, Thiourea, ReagentPlus(R), >=99.0%, NCGC00091199-01, NCGC00091199-02, NCGC00091199-03, NCGC00256530-01, NCGC00259422-01, Thiourea, >=99.999% (metals basis), BP-31025, SMR000857187, Thiourea, JIS special grade, >=98.0%, Thiourea, p.a., ACS reagent, 99.0%, FT-0675198, NS00002781, T0445, T2475, T2835, EN300-19634, T-3650, 10.14272/UMGDCJDMYOKAJW-UHFFFAOYSA-N.1, A833853, Q528995, Thiourea, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, >=99.0%, doi:10.14272/UMGDCJDMYOKAJW-UHFFFAOYSA-N.1, J-524966, F0001-1650, Thiourea, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material InChI=1S/CH4N2S/c2-1(3)4/h(H4,2,3,4) UMGDCJDMYOKAJW-UHFFFAOYSA-N C(=S)(N)N True True True http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=2723790
2407 39  112.050262   1.63 m  112.050102  112.050461   1.59 m   1.72 m 8.53e+05 2.85e+05   0.13 m - - - - M+H +[1]H 0.999885  111.042986 2 68791  111.1000  111.043262 C4H5N3O 4-amino-1,3-diazabicyclo[3.1.0]hex-3-en-2-one BM-06002, 4-Amino-1,3-diazabicyclo[3.1.0]hex-3-en-2-one, MLS002702958, 4-Imino-1,3-diazabicyclo-[3.1.0]hexan-2-one, NSC313425, NSC-313425, NCGC00181304-01, Imexon (USAN/INN), SCHEMBL154584, CHEMBL146428, GTPL8273, DTXCID9026895, Amplimexon (proposed trade name), HMS3264B05, Tox21_112779, NSC714597, AKOS006273819, AOP-990001, CCG-213631, DB05003, NSC-714597, NCGC00389454-01, NCI60_002705, SMR001566772, BM 06 002, CAS-59643-91-3, 4-CHLORO-(ALPHA-PHENYL)-CINNAMICACID, NS00034209, D08932, AB01013867_03, 4-Imino-1,3-diazabicyclo-[3.1.0]-hexan-2-one InChI=1S/C4H5N3O/c5-3-2-1-7(2)4(8)6-3/h2H,1H2,(H2,5,6,8) BIXBBIPTYBJTRY-UHFFFAOYSA-N C1C2N1C(=O)N=C2N True True False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=68791
2407 39  112.050262   1.63 m  112.050102  112.050461   1.59 m   1.72 m 8.53e+05 2.85e+05   0.13 m - - - - M+H +[1]H 0.999885  111.042986 2 597  111.1000  111.043262 C4H5N3O 6-amino-1H-pyrimidin-2-one cytosine, 71-30-7, 4-Amino-2-hydroxypyrimidine, Cytosinimine, 4-aminopyrimidin-2(1H)-one, 2(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 4-amino-, 4-Amino-2(1H)-pyrimidinone, 6-Aminopyrimidin-2(1h)-One, Cytosin, 4-aminopyrimidin-2-ol, 6-amino-1H-pyrimidin-2-one, Zytosin, 4-amino-2-oxo-1,2-dihydropyrimidine, Cyt, AI3-52281, MFCD00006034, CHEBI:16040, 2(1H)-pyrimidinone, 6-amino-, EINECS 200-749-5, UNII-8J337D1HZY, NSC 27787, NSC-27787, 8J337D1HZY, 107646-83-3, DTXSID4044456, Cytosine-5,6-d2, 134434-40-5, 107646-84-4, 134434-39-2, 2(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 3,4-dihydro-4-imino-, (E)- (9CI), 4-Aminopyrimidin-2-(1H)-one, DTXCID2024456, EC 200-749-5, NSC27787, 2(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 3,4-dihydro-4-imino-, (Z)- (9CI), 4-Aminopyrimidin-2(1H)-one (Cytosine), CYTOSINE (USP-RS), CYTOSINE [USP-RS], SMR000857094, 4-Amino-1H-pyrimidin-2-one, LAMIVUDINE IMPURITY E (EP IMPURITY), LAMIVUDINE IMPURITY E [EP IMPURITY], LAMIVUDINE IMPURITY C (USP IMPURITY), LAMIVUDINE IMPURITY C [USP IMPURITY], 106391-24-6, 287484-45-1, 4-amino-2-pyrimidinol, aminopyrimidone, iminopyrimidinone, 3h-cytosine, Cytosine (8CI), 4-amino-1,2-dihydropyrimidin-2-one, Lamivudine impurity c, 2-Pyrimidinol, 1,4-dihydro-4-imino-, (Z)- (9CI), Gemcitabine impurity A, Cytosine, >=99%, 2(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 4-amino- (9CI), CYTOSINE [INCI], Lamivudine impurity c rs, CYTOSINE [MI], 4-amino-pyrimidin-2-ol, 4-Amino-2-oxypyrimidine, bmse000180, CYTOSINE [WHO-DD], Epitope ID:167475, 4-Amino-2(1H)pyrimidone, SCHEMBL4059, 4-Amino-2(1H)-pyrimidone, 2-Hydroxy-6-amino-pyrimidin, 4-amino-3h-pyrimidin-2-one, MLS001332635, MLS001332636, CHEMBL15913, 2-Pyrimidinol, 1,6-dihydro-6-imino-, (E)- (9CI), GTPL8490, HMS2233N21, HMS3369N05, Cytosine, >=99.0% (HPLC), BCP22793, HY-I0626, STR01426, Tox21_302139, s4893, 6-amino-1,2-dihydropyrimidin-2-one, AKOS000120336, AKOS005443393, AKOS015896942, AC-2489, AM83918, BCP9000005, CCG-266052, CS-W020703, 6-amino-1H-pyrimidin-2-one;CYTOSINE, CAS-71-30-7, CID 5274263, SRI-2354-05, NCGC00247019-01, NCGC00255926-01, BP-20183, Cytosine, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 99%, NCI60_012445, SY001643, 4-imino-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one, FT-0617471, NS00006844, EN300-21504, C00380, 2-Pyrimidinol,1,6-dihydro-6-imino-,(E)-(9ci), A837149, Q178425, 2(1H)-Pyrimidinone,3,4-dihydro-4-imino-,(E)-(9ci), CBA1D098-C5AB-46CE-AAC6-754572886EB2, Z203045338, Cytosine, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard, Cytosine, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material, Gemcitabine impurity A, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard InChI=1S/C4H5N3O/c5-3-1-2-6-4(8)7-3/h1-2H,(H3,5,6,7,8) OPTASPLRGRRNAP-UHFFFAOYSA-N C1=C(NC(=O)N=C1)N True True True http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=597
2418 57  118.085960   1.65 m  118.085831  118.086128   1.62 m   1.72 m 7.23e+05 2.20e+05   0.10 m - - - - M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862  100.052135 4 125468  100.1200  100.052430 C5H8O2 (E)-2-methylbut-2-enoic acid TIGLIC ACID, 80-59-1, Tiglinic acid, Cevadic acid, 2-methylbut-2-enoic acid, trans-2,3-Dimethylacrylic acid, (E)-2-Methylbut-2-enoic acid, trans-2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid, (E)-2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid, 2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid, trans-2-Methylcrotonic acid, (E)-2,3-Dimethylacrylic acid, (E)-2-Methylcrotonic acid, 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, (2E)-, Crotonic acid, 2-methyl-, (E)-, tiglate, (2E)-2-methylbut-2-enoic acid, 2,3-Dimethylacrylic acid, (E)-, alpha-Methylcrotonic acid, FEMA No. 3599, trans-alpha,beta-Dimethylacrylic acid, 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, (E)-, 13201-46-2, 2-Methylcrotonic acid, NSC 44235, Tiglinsaeure, alpha-Methylcrotonic acid, (E)-, 2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid, (E)-, EINECS 201-295-0, (E)-2-methyl-Crotonic acid, UNII-I5792N03HC, BRN 1236500, CHEBI:9592, AI3-36118, HSDB 7614, methyl methacrylic acid, I5792N03HC, NSC-8999, 2,3-Dimethylacrylic acid, MFCD00066864, NSC-44235, 2-methyl-2E-butenoic acid, trans-.alpha.,.beta.-Dimethylacrylic acid, 2-methyl-(E)-2-butenoic acid, alpha,beta-dimethyl acrylic acid, E)-2-METHYLCROTONIC ACID, NSC8999, 4-02-00-01552 (Beilstein Handbook Reference), NSC44235, 2-METHYLBUT-2-ENOIC ACID, (E)-, METHYL-2-BUTENOIC ACID, TRANS-2-, sabadillic acid, 2-Butenoic acid,2-methyl-, Cevadate, Tiglinate, epsilon-Tiglate, E-Tiglate, Methylbutenoicacid, E-Tiglic acid, (2E)-2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid, 2-methyl-Crotonate, epsilon-Tiglic acid, EINECS 236-167-3, methyl crotonic acid, methylmethacrylic acid, 2,3-Dimethylacrylate, 2-methyl-2-butenoate, Tiglic acid, (E)-, 2-Methylbut-2-enoate, 2-methyl-Crotonic acid, trans-2-Methylcrotonate, (E)-2-Methylcrotonate, 2-methylbut-2-enoicacid, (E)-2-methyl-Crotonate, alpha-methyl-crotonic acid, TIGLIC ACID [MI], trans-2,3-Dimethylacrylic acid (Tiglic acid), bmse000727, TIGLIC ACID [HSDB], trans-2,3-Dimethylacrylate, (E)-2,3-Dimethylacrylate, 2-methyl-(E)-2-butenoate, trans-2-Methyl-2-butenoate, (E)-2-methyl-2-Butenoate, SCHEMBL15042, CHEMBL52416, (2E)-2-Methyl-2-butenoate, GTPL6499, trans-Crotonic acid, 2-methyl-, CHEBI:36432, trans-alpha,beta-Dimethylacrylate, DTXSID80883257, trans-2-methyl-but-2-enoic acid, BCP18945, (2E)-2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid #, LMFA01020030, s3789, AKOS003375681, CCG-266028, CS-W013715, HY-W012999, trans-2,3-Dimethylacrylic acid, 98%, (E)-.ALPHA.-METHYLCROTONIC ACID, LS-13047, CS-0356606, NS00009823, T0246, EN300-83150, C08279, D78012, EN300-370249, TRANS-2-METHYL-2-BUTENOIC ACID [FHFI], trans-2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid, >=99%, FG, A839954, Q425475, Q27116830, F0001-2086, Z1205493556, trans-2-Methylcrotonic acid = trans-2-Methyl-2-butenoate, trans-2-Methylcrotonic acid = trans-2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid, trans-2-Methylcrotonic acid = trans-2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid = Tiglinate, alpha,beta-dimethyl acrylic acid; 2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid; (E)-2-methyl-Crotonic acid, trans-2-Methylcrotonic acid = trans-2-Methyl-2-butenoic acid = Tiglinic acid InChI=1S/C5H8O2/c1-3-4(2)5(6)7/h3H,1-2H3,(H,6,7)/b4-3+ UIERETOOQGIECD-ONEGZZNKSA-N CC=C(C)C(=O)O True True True http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=125468
2418 57  118.085960   1.65 m  118.085831  118.086128   1.62 m   1.72 m 7.23e+05 2.20e+05   0.10 m - - - - M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862  100.052135 4 31261  100.1200  100.052430 C5H8O2 pentane-2,4-dione Acetylacetone, 2,4-Pentanedione, Pentane-2,4-dione, 123-54-6, Acetoacetone, ACAC, 2,4-Dioxopentane, Diacetylmethane, 2,4-Pentadione, ACETYL ACETONE, Pentanedione, Pentan-2,4-dione, Pentanedione-2,4, Acetyl 2-propanone, Acetone, acetyl-, Hacac, 2-Propanone, acetyl-, 2,4-Pentandione, NSC 5575, acetylaceton, CCRIS 3466, acetyl-acetone, HSDB 2064, EINECS 204-634-0, 4-Hydroxy-3-penten-2-one, UNII-46R950BP4J, BRN 0741937, CH3-CO-CH2-CO-CH3, DTXSID4021979, CHEBI:14750, AI3-02266, 46R950BP4J, ACETYLACETONE ENOL, CH3COCH2COCH3, NSC-5575, DTXCID601979, EC 204-634-0, 4-01-00-03662 (Beilstein Handbook Reference), MFCD00008787, UN2310, Acetylaceetone, pentane-2, pentan-2, acetylacetone (2,4-pentanedione), 2,4 pentanedione, 2.4-pentanedione, pentane2,4-dione, Acetyl-2-Propanone, Acetyl-2-propaneone, 2,4-pentane-dione, ACETYLACETONE [MI], 1-methylbutane-1,3-dione, SCHEMBL1608, NCIOpen2_000702, Pentane-2,4-dione [UN2310] [Flammable liquid], ACETYL ACETONE [HSDB], CHEMBL191625, WLN: 1V1V1, Acetylacetone;Pentane-2,4-dione, BDBM22766, NSC5575, Acetylacetone, analytical standard, BCP31333, STR00020, Tox21_200414, LMFA12000075, AKOS000118994, UN 2310, Acetylacetone, ReagentPlus(R), >=99%, NCGC00248599-01, NCGC00257968-01, BP-30252, CAS-123-54-6, PD193123, Acetylacetone, JIS special grade, >=99%, FT-0610237, FT-0622988, NS00007112, P0052, EN300-19143, Q413447, J-507260, Pentane-2,4-dione [UN2310]  [Flammable liquid], Ultra pure, inverted exclamation markY99.5% (GC), F1908-0168, InChI=1/C5H8O2/c1-4(6)3-5(2)7/h3H2,1-2H, Acetylacetone, produced by Wacker Chemie AG, Burghausen, Germany, >=99.5% (GC) InChI=1S/C5H8O2/c1-4(6)3-5(2)7/h3H2,1-2H3 YRKCREAYFQTBPV-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(=O)CC(=O)C True True True http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=31261
2418 57  118.085960   1.65 m  118.085831  118.086128   1.62 m   1.72 m 7.23e+05 2.20e+05   0.10 m - - - - M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862  100.052135 4 10953  100.1200  100.052430 C5H8O2 oxan-2-one delta-Valerolactone, 542-28-9, TETRAHYDRO-2H-PYRAN-2-ONE, 5-Valerolactone, oxan-2-one, 2H-Pyran-2-one, tetrahydro-, tetrahydropyran-2-one, Valerolactone, Tetrahydro-2-pyranone, .delta.-Valerolactone, 26354-94-9, .delta.-Valeryllactone, tetrahydro-pyran-2-one, 1-Oxacyclohexan-2-one, NSC 6247, CHEMBL452383, DTXSID6044438, CHEBI:16545, NSC-6247, MFCD00006645, 14V1X9149L, DELTA-VALEROLACTONE-3,3,4,4-D4, Penta-1,5-lactone, delta-Valeryllactone, d-valerolactone, Cyclopentanolide, o-Valerolactone, o-Valeryllactone, 5-pentanolide, UNII-14V1X9149L, Pentan-5-olide, Delta valerolactone, 2-oxotetrahydropyran, Delta-Valerolactotie, EINECS 208-807-1, delta -Valerolactone, .delta.-Pentalactone, tetrahydro-4H-pyranone, AI3-25024, Pentanoic acid, 5-hydroxy-, delta-lactone, Valeric acid, delta-hydroxy-, delta-lactone, WLN: T6OVTJ, Tetrahydro-2H-2-pyranone, EC 208-807-1, SCHEMBL37722, Valeric acid, .delta.-lactone, DTXCID4024438, Pentanoic acid, .delta.-lactone, NSC6247, DELTA-VALEROLACTONE [INCI], NSC65442, STR08736, delta-Valerolactone, technical grade, Tox21_302166, BDBM50360797, NSC 65442, NSC-65442, s3099, AKOS009158729, CS-W013713, HY-W012997, 5-Hydroxypentanoic acid .delta.-lactone, NCGC00255756-01, CAS-542-28-9, Delta-valerolactone (may contain polymer), SY018264, FT-0624505, NS00005148, V0039, EN300-43042, Pentanoic acid, 5-hydroxy-, .delta.-lactone, C02240, (Difluoro-trimethylsilanyl-methyl)-phosphonicacid, Q903610, Valeric acid, .delta.-hydroxy-, .delta.-lactone, W-105654, InChI=1/C5H8O2/c6-5-3-1-2-4-7-5/h1-4H, Z432085120 InChI=1S/C5H8O2/c6-5-3-1-2-4-7-5/h1-4H2 OZJPLYNZGCXSJM-UHFFFAOYSA-N C1CCOC(=O)C1 True True True http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=10953
2418 57  118.085960   1.65 m  118.085831  118.086128   1.62 m   1.72 m 7.23e+05 2.20e+05   0.10 m - - - - M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862  100.052135 4 6658  100.1200  100.052430 C5H8O2 methyl 2-methylprop-2-enoate METHYL METHACRYLATE, 80-62-6, methyl 2-methylprop-2-enoate, Methylmethacrylate, Methyl methylacrylate, Methyl 2-methylpropenoate, Methacrylic acid methyl ester, Pegalan, Methyl-methacrylat, Methyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, Diakon, 9011-14-7, Acryester M, 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, Methacrylate de methyle, Methyl 2-methylacrylate, 2-Methyl-2-propenoic acid methyl ester, Methacrylsaeuremethyl ester, 2-(Methoxycarbonyl)-1-propene, Metakrylan metylu, Methylmethacrylaat, Metil metacrilato, Methyl meth-d3-acrylate, Rcra waste number U162, Methyl alpha-methylacrylate, Methyl methacrylate monomer, TEB 3K, NCI-C50680, 2-Methylacrylic acid, methyl ester, Methacrylic acid, methyl ester, Acrylic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, 2-Methyl-acrylic acid methyl ester, NSC 4769, Monocite methacrylate monomer, Methylester kyseliny methakrylove, CHEBI:34840, 2-methylacrylic acid methyl ester, Methyl .alpha.-methylacrylate, 51391-19-6, Cranioplast, DTXSID2020844, Metaplex, Kallocryl A, NSC-4769, Simplex P, Methyl methacrylate monomer, inhibited, 143476-91-9, 55063-97-3, Methyl ester of 2-methyl-2-propenoic acid, 196OC77688, Methacrylic acid-methyl ester, 114512-63-9, 9065-11-6, Plexiglass, Methylmethacrylaat [Dutch], Metakrylan metylu [Polish], Methyl-methacrylat [German], Metil metacrilato [Italian], CCRIS 1364, HSDB 195, Methacrylate de methyle [French], Methacrylsaeuremethyl ester [German], EINECS 201-297-1, UN1247, RCRA waste no. U162, BRN 0605459, Eudragit, Methylester kyseliny methakrylove [Czech], AI3-24946, methoxymethacrolein, UNII-196OC77688, MMA (stabilized), J69, Acrylic resins (PMMA), High flow injection grade, METHYL METHACTRYLATE, Epitope ID:131321, Methyl 2-methylacrylate #, Methyl methacrylate (MMA), EC 201-297-1, Methyl-.alpha.-methacrylate, SCHEMBL1849, CH2=C(CH3)COOCH3, 4-02-00-01519 (Beilstein Handbook Reference), NA 1247 (Salt/Mix), UN 1247 (Salt/Mix), BIDD:ER0634, CHEMBL49996, DTXCID80844, Methyl methacrylate, 99.5%, WLN: 1UY1&VO1, Methyl methacrylate, stabilized, 'monocite' Methacrylate monomer, Methyl methacrylate, CP,98.0%, NSC4769, METHYL METHACRYLATE [HSDB], METHYL METHACRYLATE [IARC], METHYL METHACRYLATE [INCI], METHYLMETHACRYLATE [MART.], METHYL METHACRYLATE [VANDF], METHYLMETHACRYLATE [WHO-DD], Tox21_200367, MFCD00008587, AKOS000120216, Methyl methacrylate, 99%, stabilized, CAS-80-62-6, NCGC00091089-01, NCGC00091089-02, NCGC00257921-01, Methacrylic Acid Methyl Ester (stabilized, METHACRYLIC ACID METHYL ESTER [MI], M0087, METHYL 2-METHYL-2-PROPENOATE [FHFI], NS00009302, EN300-19210, C19504, Methyl methacrylate 1000 microg/mL in Methanol, Methyl methacrylate, SAJ first grade, >=99.0%, A839957, Q382897, J-522614, F0001-2087, InChI=1/C5H8O2/c1-4(2)5(6)7-3/h1H2,2-3H, Methacrylic acid-methyl ester 100 microg/mL in Cyclohexane, Methyl Methacrylate (stabilized with 6-tert-Butyl-2,4-xylenol), Methyl Methacrylate, (stabilized with 6-tert-Butyl-2,4-xylenol), Methyl methacrylate, contains <=30 ppm MEHQ as inhibitor, 99%, Methyl methacrylate, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard, Methyl methacrylate (MMA), 99.5%(GC), contains 30ppm MEHQ as stabilizer, Methyl methacrylate (MMA), AR, 99.0%, contains 30ppm MEHQ as stabilizer, Methyl methacrylate monomer, inhibited [UN1247]  [Flammable liquid], PROPENOIC ACID,2-METHYL,METHYLESTER  (METHACRYLATE METHYLESTER), 97555-82-3 InChI=1S/C5H8O2/c1-4(2)5(6)7-3/h1H2,2-3H3 VVQNEPGJFQJSBK-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(=C)C(=O)OC True True False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=6658
2418 57  118.085960   1.65 m  118.085831  118.086128   1.62 m   1.72 m 7.23e+05 2.20e+05   0.10 m - - - - M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862  100.052135 4 8821  100.1200  100.052430 C5H8O2 ethyl prop-2-enoate ETHYL ACRYLATE, 140-88-5, ethyl prop-2-enoate, Acrylic acid ethyl ester, Ethyl propenoate, 2-Propenoic acid, ethyl ester, Ethyl 2-propenoate, Ethylacrylaat, Ethylakrylat, Etil acrilato, Ethyl acrylate, inhibited, Aethylacrylat, Etilacrilatului, Ethoxycarbonylethylene, Acrylic acid, ethyl ester, Acrylate d'ethyle, Carboset 511, Akrylanem etylu, Acrylsaeureaethylester, Ethyl acrylate (inhibited), Ethyl propenoate, inhibited, NCI-C50384, FEMA No. 2418, FEMA Number 2418, Ethyl acrylate (natural), Acrylic acid, ethyl ester (inhibited), Etilacrilatului [Romanian], RCRA waste number U113, Ethylester kyseliny akrylove, NSC 8263, 9003-32-1, CCRIS 248, 2-Propenoic Acid Ethyl Ester, HSDB 193, EINECS 205-438-8, ethyl 2E-propenoate, BRN 0773866, DTXSID4020583, UNII-71E6178C9T, AI3-15734, NSC-8263, Etilacrilatului(roumanian), CH2=CHCOOC2H5, 71E6178C9T, ETHYL-D5 ACRYLATE, DTXCID00583, CHEBI:82327, Ethyl ester of 2-propenoic acid, EC 205-438-8, 4-02-00-01460 (Beilstein Handbook Reference), 35717-06-7, WE(2:0/3:1(2E)), Ethyl Acrylate (Stabilized with 4-methoxyphenol), ETHYL ACRYLATE (IARC), ETHYL ACRYLATE [IARC], Ethylakrylat [Czech], Ethylacrylaat [Dutch], Aethylacrylat [German], Etil acrilato [Italian], Akrylanem etylu [Polish], Acrylate d'ethyle [French], Acrylsaeureaethylester [German], Ethylester kyseliny akrylove [Czech], UN1917, RCRA waste no. U113, Acrylic acid-ethyl ester, SCHEMBL3180, ETHYL ACRYLATE [MI], ETHYL ACRYLATE [FCC], CHEMBL52084, ETHYL ACRYLATE [FHFI], ETHYL ACRYLATE [HSDB], ETHYL ACRYLATE [INCI], WLN: 2OV1U1, Ethyl acrylate, inhibited [UN1917] [Flammable liquid], FEMA 2418, FEMA-2418, NSC8263, Ethyl acrylate, analytical standard, AMY40211, BCP06341, Tox21_202513, LMFA07010505, MFCD00009188, Ethyl Acrylate, stabilized with MEHQ, AKOS005721113, Ethyl Acrylate (stabilized with MEHQ), NCGC00091041-01, NCGC00260062-01, CAS-140-88-5, VS-02962, Ethyl acrylate, purum, >=99.0% (GC), Propenoic acid,ethyl ester (ethylacrylate), Ethyl Acrylate 1000 microg/mL in Methanol, A0143, Ethyl acrylate, >=99.5%, stabilized, FG, FT-0621878, FT-0625767, NS00006376, EN300-19964, Ethyl acrylate, SAJ first grade, >=99.0%, C19238, Ethyl Acrylate stabilized with 10 - 20 ppm MEHQ, Q343014, J-007427, PROPENOIC ACID,ETHYL ESTER  (ETHYLACRYLATE), Ethyl acrylate, inhibited [UN1917]  [Flammable liquid], F1908-0175, Ethyl acrylate, contains 10-20 ppm MEHQ as inhibitor, 99%, InChI=1/C5H8O2/c1-3-5(6)7-4-2/h3H,1,4H2,2H, 2-Propenoic acid, 1,1'-((dihydro-5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,4,6-trioxo-1,3,5-triazine-1,3(2H,4H)-diyl)di-2,1-ethanediyl) ester InChI=1S/C5H8O2/c1-3-5(6)7-4-2/h3H,1,4H2,2H3 JIGUQPWFLRLWPJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCOC(=O)C=C True True False http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=8821
2418 57  118.085960   1.65 m  118.085831  118.086128   1.62 m   1.72 m 7.23e+05 2.20e+05   0.10 m - - - - M+NH4 +[1]H4 [14]N 0.995862  100.052135 4 3485  100.1200  100.052430 C5H8O2 pentanedial glutaraldehyde, Pentanedial, Glutaral, 111-30-8, Glutaric dialdehyde, 1,5-Pentanedial, Cidex, Glutardialdehyde, Sonacide, Glutaric acid dialdehyde, Glutaric aldehyde, Glutaraldehyd, Glutaralum, Aldesan, Alhydex, Glutarol, Hospex, Pentane-1,5-dial, Ucarcide, 1,3-Diformylpropane, 1,5-Pentanedione, Gluteraldehyde, Aldesen, Sterihyde L, Aldehyd glutarowy, Novaruca, Sporicidin, Caswell No. 468, NCI-C55425, NSC 13392, pentandial, Dioxopentane, Glutaclean, CCRIS 3800, HSDB 949, Sterihyde, Aqucar, Glutaralum [INN-Latin], Veruca-sep, Coldcide-25 microbiocide, Relugan GT, Relugan GTW, component of Cidex, EINECS 203-856-5, Glutarex 28, NSC-13392, Sonacide (TN), Cidex 7, EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 043901, Potentiated acid glutaraldehyde, Ucarcide 250, UNII-T3C89M417N, BRN 0605390, Relugan GT 50, Sterihyde L (TN), DTXSID6025355, CHEBI:64276, T3C89M417N, Glutaral (JAN/USP/INN), DTXCID605355, Glutaral [USAN:USP:INN:JAN], EC 203-856-5, 4-01-00-03659 (Beilstein Handbook Reference), MFCD00007025, NCGC00091110-01, Glutaralum (INN-Latin), GLUTARAL (MART.), GLUTARAL [MART.], GLUTARAL (USP IMPURITY), GLUTARAL [USP IMPURITY], Glutaraldehyd [Czech], Glutaral (USAN:USP:INN:JAN), 1,3-Diformyl propane, Diswart, Gludesin, Glutarol-1,5-pentanedial, Aldehyd glutarowy [Polish], Glutaral [USAN:INN:JAN], CAS-111-30-8, Glutural, Ucarset, Verucasep, Virsal, Cudex, Glutaral(usan), glutaric dihydride, GLUTARALDEHYDE, 25% SOLN, Glutamic dialdehyde, Pond Health Guard, Bactron K31, Ucarcide 225, GLUTARAL [HSDB], GLUTARAL [INCI], GLUTARAL [USAN], pentane-1,5-dialdehyde, GLUTARAL [INN], GLUTARAL [JAN], Glutaral, INN, USAN, Protectol GDA, GT 50, SCHEMBL836, WLN: VH3VH, GLUTARAL [WHO-DD], GLUTARALDEHYDE [MI], Pentane-1,5-dial solution, GLUTARALDEHYDE [FCC], Pesticide Code: 043901, BIDD:ER0299, GLUTARALDEHYDE [VANDF], CHEMBL1235482, Glutaraldehyde (50% in water), AMY3308, Bio1_000462, Bio1_000951, Bio1_001440, Glutaraldehyde solution, 25% w/w, Glutaraldehyde solution, 50% w/w, Glutaraldehyde solution, 70% w/w, NSC13392, STR01121, Tox21_111083, Tox21_201742, Tox21_303295, AKOS008967285, Glutaraldehyde (50per cent in water), DB03266, Glutaric dialdehyde, 25%sol. In water, Glutaric dialdehyde, 25% sol. in water, NCGC00091110-02, NCGC00091110-03, NCGC00257231-01, NCGC00259291-01, FT-0626730, G0067, G0068, NS00004136, EN300-18037, D01120, A802339, Q416475, Q-201162, Z57127529, F2191-0161 InChI=1S/C5H8O2/c6-4-2-1-3-5-7/h4-5H,1-3H2 SXRSQZLOMIGNAQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N C(CC=O)CC=O True True True http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=3485

Note the number of matches does not correspond to the number of identified peaks:

identified = len(set(t_match.id))
total = len(t)
print(f"identified: {identified/total*100:.1f}%")
identified: 38.6%

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