import os
import emzed
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tutorial_data")
aa_peaks_table = os.path.join(data_folder, "AA_peaks.table")
start remote ip in /root/.emzed3/pyopenms_venv
pyopenms client started.
connected to pyopenms client.

10 Chemical information

emzed provides a module chemistry emzed.chemistry, which features linking spectral and chemical information.

``elements`` is a Table containing detailed information of 95 atoms and its isotopes.

atomic_number symbol name average_mass mass_number mass abundance
int str str float int float float
5 B Bor 10.8110277680 10 10.0129370000 0.199
5 B Bor 10.8110277680 11 11.0093050000 0.801
6 C Carbon 12.0107358985 12 12.0000000000 0.989
6 C Carbon 12.0107358985 13 13.0033550000 0.011
7 N Nitrogen 14.0067430888 14 14.0030740000 0.996

However, accessing information of an element via a table that lists all elements is a little cumbersome. In daily routine, isotopologue masses and isotopologue distributions are most required. We start with ``mass``

mass = emzed.mass
U-13C glucose:\t{mass.of('[13]C6H12O6')}
1-13C glucose:\t{mass.of('[13]CC5H12O6')}"""

carbon: {12: 12.0, 13: 13.003355}
C12:    12.0
C13:    13.003355
glucose:        180.0633903828
U-13C glucose:  186.08352038280003
1-13C glucose:  181.0667453828

Hence, ``mass`` provides isotope masses and features calculating masses of molecular formulas. If you do not precise the isotope mass returns a dictionary with all isotopes of the atom. The method mass.of calculates monoisotopic masses or the mass of the lightest isotope M0, respectively. To calculate the mass of a specific isotopologue you have to specify the isotope number in brackets prior to the element.

The exact isotopologue distribution of a compound can be calculated with the method ``compute_centroids`` .

compute_centroids(mf, explained_abundance, *, abundances=None)

with arguments:

  • mf: molecular formula as string i.e. ‘C6H12O6’

  • mf: explained_abundance: stopping criterium. The value ranges between 0 and 1. The higher the value the more accurate the result, the longer the calculation time.

  • abundance, allows user defined definition of elemental isotope distributions i.e. dict(C={12: 0.1, 12: 0.9})

It returns a Table listing possible isotope combinations and their abundance. Again, an example with glucose

compute = emzed.chemistry.compute_centroids
mf = "C6H12O6"
compute(mf, 0.999)
id mf m0 abundance
int str MzType float
0 [12]C6 [1]H12 [16]O6  180.063390 0.923
1 [12]C5 [13]C [1]H12 [16]O6  181.066745 0.060
2 [12]C6 [1]H12 [16]O5 [18]O  182.067644 0.011
3 [12]C6 [1]H12 [16]O5 [17]O  181.067607 0.002
4 [12]C4 [13]C2 [1]H12 [16]O6  182.070100 0.002
5 [12]C6 [1]H11 [2]H [16]O6  181.069667 0.001
6 [12]C5 [13]C [1]H12 [16]O5 [18]O  183.070999 0.001
7 [12]C5 [13]C [1]H12 [16]O5 [17]O  182.070962 0.000

The table lists the isotopologues in the order of descending abundance. for each isotopologue, isotope composition and exact mass, and corresponding abundances are list. The nominal isotopologue M1 is dominated by 13C and M2 is dominated by 18O.

In practice, most mass spectrometers can’t resolve the isotopologue fine spectrum and the degree of details of measured isotopologue patterns depends on instrumental mass resolution.

The method ``measured_centroids`` allows considering mass resolution of the instrument. The function is almost the same as compute_centroids with exception of the additional argument

  • R: resolution defined as as mz / FWHM (full peak width at half maximum in profile mode)

Some examples:

measured = emzed.chemistry.measured_centroids
mf = "C6H12O6"
measured(mf, R=6e4, explained_abundance=0.999)
id R m0 abundance
int float MzType float
0 60000.000000  180.063390 0.926
1 60000.000000  181.066774 0.062
2 60000.000000  182.067707 0.012
3 60000.000000  183.070999 0.001

At R = 60’000 nominal M1 isotopologues are no longer separated.

measured(mf, R=6e4, explained_abundance=0.99999)
id R m0 abundance
int float MzType float
0 60000.000000  180.063390 0.926
1 60000.000000  181.066774 0.062
2 60000.000000  182.067707 0.012
3 60000.000000  183.071038 0.001
4 60000.000000  184.072072 0.000
5 60000.000000  185.075253 0.000

When increasing explained_abundance we obtain also the very low nominal isotopologues M4 and M5. However, in most cases they are of low relevance but calculation time increases significantly. Along the same line, it is possible to calculate all possible isotopologeus by setting explained_abundance = 1 but it leads to a drastical increase in calculation time add most isotopologues are of extremely low abundance and cannot be measured anyway.

measured(mf, R=2.4e5, explained_abundance=0.999)
id R m0 abundance
int float MzType float
0 240000.000000  180.063390 0.925
1 240000.000000  181.066746 0.060
2 240000.000000  181.069667 0.001
3 240000.000000  182.067644 0.011
4 240000.000000  182.070102 0.002
5 240000.000000  183.070999 0.001

Increasing Resolution to 240’000 resolves 13C and 17O of M1, and 18O and a combination of some other low abundant nominal M2 isotopologues

mf = "C6H12O6"
    abundances=dict(C={12: 0.02, 13: 0.98}),
id R m0 abundance
int float MzType float
0 60000.000000  184.076810 0.005
1 60000.000000  185.080165 0.107
2 60000.000000  186.083521 0.873
3 60000.000000  187.084854 0.001
4 60000.000000  187.088181 0.002
5 60000.000000  188.087774 0.011
6 60000.000000  190.092028 0.000

We can also calculate the pattern for user defined abundances. Here the pattern would correspond to a 98% U-13C labeled glucose.

mf = "[13]CC5H12O6"
measured(mf, R=6e4, explained_abundance=0.999)
id R m0 abundance
int float MzType float
0 60000.000000  181.066745 0.935
1 60000.000000  182.070135 0.052
2 60000.000000  183.071041 0.012
3 60000.000000  184.074354 0.001

Finally, we can calculate the patterns of specific labeled compounds.

The method ``formula_table`` allows assigning potential molecular formulas to monoisotopic masses with the possibility to reduce the solution space. It is a Python version of the HR2 formula generator for CHNOPS applying filter heuristics for formula selection seven golden rules. The method is quite flexible and can be adapted to multiple use cases but results in many arguments. ~~~ formula_table(min_mass, max_mass, *, mass_c=12.0, mass_h=1.0078250319, mass_n=14.003074, mass_o=15.994915, mass_p=30.97376149, mass_s=31.97207073, c_range=None, h_range=None, n_range=None, o_range=None, p_range=None, s_range=None, apply_rules=True, apply_rule_1=True, apply_rule_2=True, apply_rule_4=True, apply_rule_5=True, apply_rule_6=True, rule_45_range=’extended’) ~~~

However, most arguments are optional and only min_mass and max_mass are required. By default all seven heuristic filters will be applied. An example

formula_table = emzed.chemistry.formula_table
m0 = emzed.mass.of("C6H12O6")
min_mass = m0 - 0.003
max_mass = m0 + 0.003
formula_table(min_mass, max_mass)
mf m0
str MzType
C2H8N6O4  180.060704
C10H12OS  180.060886
C3H4N10  180.062040
C6H12O6  180.063390
C7H16OS2  180.064257
C7H8N4O2  180.064726
H8N10S  180.065411
C5H13N2O3P  180.066380

In total, the resulting table contains 8 molecular formulas including the correct one of glucose, when switching of the seven golden rules we obtain

len(formula_table(min_mass, max_mass, apply_rules=False))

Hence, we otain about 3 times more possible solutions. In general, it is helpful to use all available information for solution space restriction. For instance, if the M2 isotopologue was measured with a high mass resolution instrument, one can easily check for presence of sulfur assuming a CHNOPS elemental composition:

{32: 0.9493, 33: 0.0076, 34: 0.0429, 36: 0.0002}
emzed.mass.S34 - emzed.mass.S32
{16: 0.9975700000000001, 17: 0.00037999999999999997, 18: 0.0020499999999999997}
emzed.mass.O18 - emzed.mass.O16

In other words, if I can measure the M2 isotopologue of a low weight compound and I do not observe mass difference of about 1.996, S can be excluded from the molecular formula end we would end up with

formula_table(min_mass, max_mass, s_range=(0, 0))
mf m0
str MzType
C2H8N6O4  180.060704
C3H4N10  180.062040
C6H12O6  180.063390
C7H8N4O2  180.064726
C5H13N2O3P  180.066380

Finaly molecular formulas can also be assigned to labeled compounds.

m0 = emzed.mass.of("[13]C6H12O6")
min_mass = m0 - 0.003
max_mass = m0 + 0.003
mass_c = emzed.mass.C13
formula_table(min_mass, max_mass, mass_c=mass_c)
mf m0
str MzType
C10H8O3  186.080895
H10N8O4  186.082502
C6H12O6  186.083520

You can transform string presentations of molecular formulas into ``MolecularFormula`` objects (MF). Molecular formulas can handle typical formula representation i.e. structuring formulas by functional groups i.e. CH3(CH2)2COOH. Morever, additon and subtraction of MF objects is supported. Two examples

mf = emzed.mf
gluc = mf("(CH2O)6")
h2o = mf("H2O")
res = gluc - h2o
so4 = mf("SO4")
gluc - so4
<MolecularFormula '<invalid>'>

Whereas the first example yields the correct result, the second operation is obviously not possible since ‘gluc’ contains no sulfur and causes an error.

Finally, the method ``plot_profile`` plots isotopologue patterns of molecular formulas. Its usage is very similar to measured_centroids and shares the same method arguments except the one additional argument

  • path: path to save plot to. If not provided a plot window will pop up.

An example:

# define the target path
plot_profile = emzed.chemistry.plot_profile
plot_profile("C6H12O6", R=6e4, explained_abundance=0.999)

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